
Lana is mixed race on the show. The term they used was Quadrune, which is delightful.

She's blackish. Somewhere between half and quarter black as per the show.

No one knew that score for days

miss the point much?

Aside from that little bit, just one thing from the whole take, I think he is spot on

The Doctor Dances: Remix Edition

That kid looks like a very young Chris Pratt

Would have been more timely in Detroit

This pic shows the true depth of his depravity. Not only will he kill everyone, but he'll also wear their clothes and sit in their chairs. That, ladies and gents, is how you truly steal someone's power. You sit in their chair.

Why not do both? Chaotic Neutral ftw

No, they are still excellent games. But they are more work than modern games. Modern games have made us lazy with all the handholding and quest markers. The original Fallouts and BG games are still excellent, but can seem tedious since you actually have to figure things out and find places on your own.

It's like the second coming of Rob Deer

ok, how about this, the "old people" are the in betweeners. They were the ones who were kids during WWII. Most of those old enough to fight are gone. The oldies now were those people's little brothers and sisters.

Some kids have their heads screwed on right. This kid managed to cross thread his.

I don't drink the regular bock all that often. My favorite Shiner brew is their Bohemian Black Lager. They've got an IPA now, which is hear is decent, but since I despise IPAs, I don't know for sure. I can't say that I buy any Shiner that much for home drinking, but it's a great camping beer.

ah, so you backhandedly shit on her work without knowing what she was doing. Gotchya. She's damned near identical to the character in the show, which is exactly what she was going for, but by all means continue to find ways to fault a dead-on bit of cosplay without having seen what she was working from.

Who says she is cosplaying as the book character? Seems more than clear she is cosplaying as the TV show character and is spot on. What exactly do you do that one could go about publicly critiquing? I'd be very interested in your art, cosplay, napkin doodles or anything else that can be objectively judged. Links are

read your own post

Boners for Algernon

Walk Hard