
Are you new to the internet? You just keep throwing gasoline-soaked logs on the fire. You are bitching about people bitching at you for bitching about a thing that wasn’t even worth bitching about. Congratulations, you’ve taken the mode of informational transportation that brought us a video of two women eating their

I really hope you find a better use of your time next season. So far, the most tedious part of this season has been running past your long-winded, unsolicited bloviation to get to the rest of the comments. You should go back and read them consecutively after the final episode and see if your ramblings are any better

I don’t know. A lot of people would think that if imaginary animals are a trigger for you, that you probably should just allow people to have their opinions about your opinions. If pixels arranged in a fashion that evokes dogness have the power to affect your personal economy, maybe that video game money should go

This is the equivalent of someone who has never seen Star Wars being confused as to why the trailer for Episode VII is a big deal. If you’re not a fan, it’s a little harder to be impressed. Sure, they want to bring in new players, but the Fallout series has always been pretty heavy on fan service. It is impressive to

Since most JRPGs put you on a rail, it’s likely you’d hate fallout. Since it’s original point and click days, it is a game that almost takes pride in letting you get lost. The jump made in F3 continues that, littering the world with so many little details that you find rabbit hole after rabbit hole to fall down. Every

Let me guess, you are so insecure that you unable to take other people opinions without insulting them.

And yet here you are. You really shouldn't be shocked by now that Kotaku runs columnist style articles. They do it a lot. Kotaku isn't just a hard news site. If you don't like it, don't read it, don't count the paragraphs, and don't comment. All you're doing is feeding the click counter, which undermines the affect

I love ready the griping comments about 12 because all of the reasons people list for not liking him are exactly why I love him. Condescending dickish curmudgeon? Please and thank you. Something molecularly close to open contempt for everyone around him? Yes, yes. Gimme more. 10 and 11 were very nearly the same. I

19th century trains were huge chunks of steel on wheels...which were also steel. Also, by the time he made the train, he'd been working on it for years longer, improving and tinkering with the original design. But this car wouldn't have been at that later point in time. The original time machine was very primitive.

Canada in a Civ game would be both precious and amazing. May the Mountie Tanks drown the world in a river of maple syrup! Scramble the jets! Give the order to "Take off, eh!"

and yet it is ok in the example from this story of gamergate fanning the flames with ridiculously false and easily refutable story because it fits THEIR narrative? If gamergate really is about ethics in gaming journalism, they are as bad if not worse than anyone they are firing shots at. That is the most beautiful

and gamergate has a very obvious agenda when it comes to Kotaky and Sarkessian, so what's your point? Kotaku is debunking propaganda from a group with a very destructive agenda. All they did is point out factual inconsistencies in this article. How can you have a biased article that is based on refuting lies? Do you

This is why spandex should stay in the comics and never see the screen

Which is why I said that the armor could just as easily be tech housing. I know if I'm making a tech based suit that shrinks me down to an atomic level, I want to make damned sure nothing jostles or breaks the tech. Also, Arrow really doesn't go in on the armor that much. Queen and Arsenal aren't wearing any bulky

I'm wondering how much of the "armor" is actually armor and how much is housing for the tech

Spandex can never work on the screen because comic book spandex defies all the laws of physics. In this particular case, Atom is a tech hero. He has to put the tech somewhere, and most tech is fragile, so maybe the armor is more for protecting his gear than for protecting himself. This is the real life aesthetic just

Well Norton and Ruffalo are playing the same Banner in the same continuity. They are just at different points in their life. Norton is still fairly early in his life as the Hulk. Ruffalo (remember, Norton was supposed to be in Avengers) is a Banner who has spent a good number of years since the Norton movie refining

Nothing like being the guy who shows up in the comments of an artist's obit to say his work was no good. Seriously, way classy stuff. Hopefully people will be able to muster equally kind words for you when your time comes.

your gender, or actual sexual performance?

Yes, and it works perfectly well in some bizarro bubble universe where drunken club bros welcome and appreciate constructive criticism. You are at best naive and at worst a trolling asshole here.