
In my response I said that whether they are in the right is immaterial. I was basing it solely on the idea that if the large majority of people cross through the intersection during a yellow then they are expecting the person in front of them to do so. It’s just a study in human behavior. If you don’t do what others

To me the real problem is inconsistent yellow light durations. Is this a long yellow? A short yellow? Ideally, the yellow would always flash. It would start slow and quicken before switching to red.

It’ll hit the fence after the first turn in record time.

Unless you are trying to get work as a living musculo-skeletal (Is that even a word/phrase? Fuck it.) model.

I’ve owned a Model 3 since June ‘18 and have over 12k miles on it (2-3k on road trips where I used Superchargers). My electric bill has gone up by (guesstimating) about $20 - $25 per month.

Or maybe a live-in pit crew 

Thank you, citizen.

I like how it carries full-sized spares for when you blow out a tire and have to change it on the side of the road. You can do that four times!

Needs a spoiler and fake hood vents.

He transitioned from poop stories a while ago. Now it’s grandpa stories.

Oh, man. The things I’d do to get one of these. The things I’d do...

I think a couple/few years makes a difference. I’m 47 and barely have a memory of this, but friends who are 49 or 50 remember it vividly. I have a little bit more memory of Sigmund the Seamonster and HR Puff’n’stuff than I do of Bananna Splits

Yeah, that design expert was full of shit.

Sorry, I prefer to actually watch art and not read text.

Top 1, 2 or 3 Top Gear segments ever.

At least they didn’t have to wait for the police to arrive.

Yeah, if I’m making a right turn on a fresh green and a Semi is coming from the left I’m making sure I’m confident that bad boy is going to stop before pulling the trigger.

I’m against public funding for stadiums, but I might make an exception if he was required to change the team name to get his new palace.

The smog is REAL and the cars are almost all WHITE.

Apparently Blue-face is acceptable. Did anyone consider the feelings of the Na’vi?