
Snuffaluffagus was there.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that the people making the cars have people checking against regulation. Do you really think they’d just put out teasers without mirrors without checking this basic thing, especially if you are deleting side mirrors? It’s like the first thing that’ll pop into your head.

To be fair, there were no Ruths in this obit.

And the rocket’s red glare.

Love it, but I really wish the headlights were flush with the body.

If only someone turned when they shouldn’t have we could shut down the internet and call it a day.

Driver’s Ed is the class we slept through in High School.
PSAs are public reminders now of what we should already know and an education for those who don’t. This is especially important if the rule goes against what a lot of people would call common sense ethics.

It’s really simple. It feels kind of douchey to zoom ahead of everyone who merges early. It looks kind of douchey too!
The zipper merge is the correct way to do it. Driver’s Ed is not enough. You need road signs. You need PSAs. Whatever it takes to educate the average driver, because to a lot of people zooming ahead of

It looks crazy from the front. It looks unrecognizable as a car from the back.
How do you see what’s behind you? Do you just turn and pray?

If he had just stuck the landing...

The downside to buying anonymously is that you can’t get your Ferrari card stamped. If you get four stamps they will allow you to buy a fifth car and get a stamp.

Braking is fixed by an ABS algorithm according to Musk.

The ride quality issues have been dealt with by actually modifying the suspension after early runs. Supposedly, early adopters will be able to get the upgraded suspension for free.

Olive Sagapolu is 336 lbs
Olive Sagapolu does backflips
Olive Sagapolu is our nose tackle

They’ll also be able to get like 6 months at half credit. I’ll be curious to see how it all shakes out and how many people holding out for the base model get any credit at all.

The charging issue is for car owners who live in apartments or don’t have garages/driveways. Easy to overlook that if you have those things.

I believe the production issues with Model 3 were real at first, but I think they’ve had a kind of planned, slow ramp up since the beginning of the year.

They don’t want to hit

This track looks fun but this is only slightly more fun-looking than your standard amusement park go-karts, which is to say boring as hell.
If you find mashing your foot to the floor and steering around a track with no threat of having to lift off ever fun, have at it.

What does it mean to be relegated in soccer?

Only hobos go to movies without assigned seating nowadays. It makes the movie-going experience so much better.

Flying cars require the following:
1) Completely autonomous - can’t have people zooming all over the place all willy-nilly.