
Yeah, Judeo-Christian God is all powerful, all knowing and just allows his little fallen angel Lucifer run around as a rebel. The Devil is way inferior to God.

See, I think R’hllor is himself a Luciferian figure. Less the benevolent father and more the sweet-talker.

I always figured it was more Zoroastrian than anything.

I got Tiff, which considering the options I’ll take as a win.

I was thinking MeKristopheles.


“Put a pillow over that feeling and bare down ‘til it stops kicking.”

*Looks back on I, Frankenstein*

This is Garin and Erika, IF YOU WANT TO HELP FIX THIS (and now you do)- go to our website (links in article) and SIGN THE PETITION immediately, and follow links to Rally and Rise to get info on calling senators to put pressure on them. We have talked to the senators- this matters, call

Due to the constant accretion of stars, the Force of Celebrity Gravitation has increased to the point most arcs are nearly straight lines, rather short. It’s like throwing a football on Jupiter (where even Brown Dwarfs wouldn’t overthrow their backs). The fear is, some event like the birth of Katy Perry will push us

I guess that’s why they tried to pair her up with “Ross” on Friends—trying separately to make his character less boring/whiney/oh-so-white :)

I’ve always considered Aisha Tyler to be so intelligent and articulate, and her observations of Kanye West are a great example of that. I’d love to know more about what she thinks happened between past-Kanye and the shell of a person he often appears to be now. It seems like it’s been more than his mother dying

[Cornell and Roger Ailes sit in Charon’s barge, and open their complimentary meals.]

For a liberal hero, this is the weakest possible endorsement of impeachment possible.

I really appreciated that Shadow called what happened to him last week a LYNCHING and the term “strange fruit” was used. Makes me feel that they are not taking any of this imagery lightly.

Dude, 3 years after losing my whole friend circle (well, I thought they were my friends too, but divorce proved that I was delusional), I finally have 2 friends of my own. One is a woman my age, the other is the 85 yo man that lives in the apartment next to mine.

“because africa”

Mein Nipple Clamphf?

He will never take my Milo!