
I’ll give the average Jezzie a slight benefit of the doubt and say that I think they don’t hold domestic service workers in contempt as much as they do the people who hire them, who, not so coincidentally, are mostly women.

I hate invoking this, but Americans are so weird about domestic help. It’s one of the many things I like about my Latin-American cultural heritage that we don’t have that baggage*. It’s a job I don’t want to or can’t do myself, so I’m hiring someone else to do it. That doesn’t make me a bad person or mean that the

How is this dehumanizing. Please point out the language that dehumanizes, and is not simply someone who is annoyed that the person they hired to perform a job does not have the skills required to perform the job to their employer’s satisfaction, and the employer is therefore requiring extra training.

No, other than the reverse-snobbiness towards those who dare to hire domestic workers.

I am an engineer. My employer pays for me to go to several training and continuing education classes a year so I can learn how to do my job better. How is this different, other than the fact that the employees in question are domestic workers?

I'm happy you're happy. Why are you passing judgement on other people? Particularly when their behavior only affects themselves?

“Yeah I don’t really do that anymore”

The Ellen and Portia thing gets reported every six months. It's always bullshit. Just like Jennifer Aniston is always pregnant.

While 90% of this lobby is bullshit, I'm actually a fan of colleges making fewer investigations into criminal matters. They should absolutely be involved to the point of survivor accommodations, but colleges are not set up, nor should they be, for criminal prosecutions. When they try, they fuck up, and fuck up hard.

For every person of color who thinks the show is offensive, I will show you one who thinks it's not. And exactly two of the literally dozens or thinkpieces I saw were written by POC.

The problem is that without a word for it, it gets called "normal". Normal might literally mean "average", but it carries lots of connotation of "moral correctness". Calling people who aren't trans "normal" implies that trans people are abnormal, with all the baggage that word carries with it.

I hear you. Thanks for bearing with me while I procrastinate at work. And I think we agree much more than we disagree :)

The short version is: cisgender people are those whose gender identity aligns with the one assigned to them at birth. If you were born and the doctor said "It's a boy!" and you grew up living as a boy and being treated as a boy and you yourself are totally fine with all of that, you're cisgender.

Left is another word for liberal/progressive. If you're a POC who is concerned with your own portrayal in the media and want to see more of it, that's a leftist/liberal/progressive idea. Not caring about that is a right/conservative idea, whether or not the person not caring is a POC themselves.

You're just realizing this?

For me, Drag has a few aspects, and none of them are about demeaning women. One big part is a skewering of femininity as weakness. Queer men grow up being taunted about our femininity. Drag is a way of saying "You think femininity makes me weak? I'm going to be the craziest most grotesque caricature of femininity

Very few White people, when confronted with the reality of my identity, will then proceed to deny it. It's much more common for a Mexican, upon hearing me identify as Hispanic/Latino, will say something to the effect of "Well yeah, but you're not really Hispanic. You're White." Most of the time they'll stick to their

I get that all the time from white people and it doesn't really bother me. I get it. They don't ever see Latin people who look like us. That lack of representation bothers me, but their ignorance itself doesn't.

I was born and raised in Miami, but I no longer live there.

That's a good way of putting it. Thank you.