
I don't think that's true. The existence of gray does not preclude the existence of black and white. We are not all mixed. There are plenty of people to whom no traditional racial labels (Black, White, Asian, etc.) apply, but that doesn't mean that traditional racial labels don't apply to anyone. I can still guess,

The theory you are discussing is called Linguistic Relativity, and it's less set in stone than you present it in your comments here and on other threads. It is particularly weak when referring to vocabulary. Languages that lack a word for a necessary concept (and race is a necessary concept in racist societies) don't

I hear you about the "labels" thing. It bugs me when people tell me "I don't care that you're gay." I want to respond "Well I care, it's important to me, and you can't just ignore it."

What is the purpose of criminal justice? Is it supposed to be rehabilitating or punitive? Can criminals be rehabilitated at all? If so, how do we judge if rehabilitation has happened and is "sincere"? When we say "pay their debt to society", does that mean that once we have determined how much a criminal "owes" us,

I love that even the guy in the background is like "Maybe if I close my eyes it will go away"

Do you have any examples of Jezebel with the first response? That sounds like a strawman.

1) This guy is a shitbag

The book is excellent. Very strange though

Aisha you're amazing and hilarious. I first heard about you through your stand up special. The thing about your sister's baby came up while I was at work in my small cubicle college job and I almost pissed myself laughing and came close to cracking a rib from trying to suppress my laughter. A couple of things:

Did you just find out about this?

Seeing him warble along to "Sorry-Grateful" in the New York Philharmonic production of Company was painful. Colbert does many things well, but sing is not one of them.

I'm so confused.

Oh Yes. Spain definitely had a perfect and beautiful relationship with her colonies.

And if you read the blind, it indicates his "real boyfriend" is an old gross Italian daddy who gives him drugs. Come on Zac. Don't be a cliche twink. You're better than this.

I hear you. I learned from my sisters: Men's clothes are sized by actual measurements made in reality, women's clothes are sized by toddlers throwing darts at a corkboard covered in random numbers and letters.

It's almost as if I was exaggerating to humorous effect.

"As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapable of resolving approaches zero"

Yes, that is totally true.

I can't comment on better or worse, but it's pretty awful. I internalize it against my will. Here's a fun story. I have a friend Bob* who is beautiful. Like, you can't go five minutes in a gay bar without someone offering him a drink. He's large and muscular, with a beautiful face and dreamy blue eyes. He's also not

Oh my God this hit so many nerves right now. I'm in such a weird place since I lost a bunch of weight recently, and I vacillate between being proud of how far I've come and miserable because of how far I have yet to go to get that "perfect" gay male body.