
It was a series of horrific acts of violence for which he got off scot free. Normally I don't believe one bad act taints you as a Bad Person forever, but in this case I would have to see actual evidence of his change, or at the very least a sincere public apology, before I forgave something of this magnitude.

Empathy is a form of courtesy. I don't think it's possible to be vitriolic and hostile towards someone if you're truly trying to empathize with them.

Sorry, I rewrote that like 10 times. I was responding to "you're not trying to empathize with what she's been through before you react."

That presupposes an interest in learning about these problems, which few people start off having. I'm saying how do you expect people to be convinced to care about marginalized groups, when they didn't before, when IDGAF is the prevailing attitude? And yes, it is possible to do that, and no, it's not a lost cause or

I empathize with frustration and fatigue. I know it all too well. An agreement I have with my friends is "I will try to keep from being nasty to you when I'm frustrated with other things, if you will try to forgive me when I inevitably fail."

How do you think a "bro" or "ignorant white dude" should move from ignorant to getting with the program? What path are they supposed to trod from evil to enlightened? Are all those who aren't already feminists lost causes to be written off as hopeless?

Yep! I don't think Basset is in as central of a role, but they'll all be back in some capacity.

It's Ryan Murphy. Subtlety is not his gig. See the treatment of feminism and race in the last season. And I say this as a gay man: Ryan Murphy is the epitome of "I can't be racist/sexist/whatever, I'm gay!"

Come to think of it, he's really just a work/gym friend. I'll go dropping hints whenever the subject of his siblings comes up. Thanks for your response

I've got a question on etiquette, only mildly related. I have a friend, Bob*, whose brother Sam* is a trans man. I've never met Sam. But here's the thing. Bob refers to Sam as his sister and uses female pronouns. I didn't know Sam was trans until I saw a (obviously male) picture at Bob's house, and Bob mentioned Same

How could you forget Mona and Vinny's haunting love duet, "Torque Wrench"

Follow-up: Does your apparently delicious blood attract an unusual number of vampire attacks?

Good for you. If you don't mind my asking, how is your blood especially valuable?

Broadway needs to get on that right the fuck now. Can you imagine Mona's showstopping number "Biological Clock?

SCOTUS interprets current law. Hobby Lobby was decided under the RFRA, not the constitution. A new law to extend or modify the RFRA would nullify the ruling, until and unless SCOTUS ruled upon that modification in turn.

They think that if you have access to birth control, you'll have MORE sex, because you have fewer reasons not to.

Dude DodaiForEditor is a troll. An unusually sophisticated one, but a troll.

Black people were and are very often compared to monkeys as a form of dehumanization.It is a specific thing with a lot of nasty history. We should always take pains to avoid reinforcing it, even accidentally.

Don't be ridiculous! Then he/she wouldn't have been able to feel morally superior to a stranger!