Vergara's son is just a little younger than me and supposedly gay... I hold out hope that I marry into that family AND LIVE THE LIFE I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF
Vergara's son is just a little younger than me and supposedly gay... I hold out hope that I marry into that family AND LIVE THE LIFE I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF
Guys: In this context, there is no way in hell "wireless" is synonymous with "over wi-fi". Wireless-enable implantable medical devices have ranges measured in inches, because their power sources are, by necessity, tiny. Security is a non-trivial issue, but think "get's close to you on the subway and might be able to…
That's what I mean. It's this rut that straight men fall into. It's just assumed they'll talk about sports, and so there's very little societal pressure to develop interests and passions outside of that. It's honestly sad.
Heterosexual men are a paradox. On the one hand, I want to help my fellow men be interesting people. On the other, there's only so much monotonic talking about sports that I can handle before I descend into gibbering madness.
Oh the twink parties were all real. It has always been well known that Bryan Singer is a chickenhawk. It just seems like it's possible that he didn't do this specific thing he's being accused of. He's still a sleezeball though
I'm going to commit Jezebel heresy here, but Amy Schumer's stand up just doesn't float my boat. I admit I haven't seen her show.
The Bedazzled remake with Brenden Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley
Her portrayal in that book was based pretty directly on her mother's actions during WWII. Choice Quotes:
*sad trombone*
I once had a guy essentially force me to break up over text. We had only been dating for a short time, and we hadn't seen each other in two weeks because we'd both been away on business. It went roughly like this:
Ignore this, wrong thread.
The problem is that the constitutional amendment process is much much harder than the founders intended. 2/3 of the state legislatures went from 7 at the founding to 34 now. Not to mention that the US Constitution is one of the oldest documents of its kind still in active use as the basis of a legal system. We need a…
He/she is the kind of person who hates allies and thinks you should never talk about, observe, or engage with issues that do not affect you personally.
I'm a gay white latino liberal democrat, and I sometimes agree. In the words of someone smarter than me: "The greatest expression of privilege is being offended on behalf of other people."
Killing your own food doesn't make you morally superior. I'm not anti-hunting, but it's a hobby, not a sacred vocation.
The problem is that if we take reproductive agency out of people's own hands, there's absolutely no way to separate determination of fitness from ingrained systemic systems of bullshit.
Of course! I would never say that birth control is perfect, I'm saying that it needs to be much more widely available. And if it fails anyway and we get an "oops" baby, the woman should be able to choose whether or not to get an abortion with no consideration other than "Am I at a place in my life where I can raise…
I don't agree with the OP, since I don't think it should be the state's decision to choose how many children a person can support.
I think that's a little overblown. There is such a thing as ethically wealthy. From what I understand, these guys' dad was a European restaurant mogul who sold an entire chain for a pretty penny. You don't know how he conducted his business anymore than I do, and it's pretty cynical to assume he was evil based on no…