
No worries, it's not your fault =P

When you're trans, you're pretty much perpetually stuck in the Dark Ages of dating >_>

I got chills as well as tears in my eyes while reading your post. I'm just really sorry you weren't able after trying for so long. I have a ton of respect for your decision, however difficult.

I've opted not to have fertility treatment, etc. We've been trying for years to get pregnant; I'm 38 1/2 and kinda giving up that I'll get pregnant. We put away the charts and the thermometer, and are focusing on just being a couple. It was a very difficult decision.

I never had morning sickness with my sons and my early stages of pregnancy were fine. I only ever threw up when pregnant with my daughter and was so ill during the early stages. She caused me the least grief "structurally." I was in agony at the end of my pregnancies with the boys, but I went nine days overdue with

It's more than just problematic - being outed to people who know her could very well be the reason she committed suicide. Colleagues have the potential to cause her real harm.

Nah, Grantland is not a niche magazine. It is a sports and entertainment news site, split into two blogs; The Triangle for sports news/stories/editorials and The Hollywood Prospectus for pop culture. They are a subsidiary for ESPN. The Editor in Chief is one of the major personalities for TNT's NBA coverage... who

That threat was never made. Bill Simmons, editor-in-chief of the Grantland site, has published a detailed chronology explaining the whole thing from the editor's standpoint here:…

Joan Rivers needs to go away. You want to make fun of Kim or Kanye, fine. Kids are off limits. Period.

"What if we cared about those living in poverty as much as we care about celebrities?"

I guess that letter just doesn't really seem threatening to me, is a big part of it. I definitely understand that stalkers will find their way around obstacles (and have been stalked in the past, so I really understand that probably better than a lot of people), but I just wouldn't be that worried in this particular

all things being equal, people would prefer not to have gay kids.

I know We all love Kerry, but I think this ugly as sin. She's a beautiful woman and this garment does her no favors. The skirt fabric is ugly and hangs poorly and I'm not a fan of crop tops on anyone that isn't Madonna circa 1985.

IIIIIIIIIIII love her & she is breathtakingly beautiful butttttttttttt that outfit is hideous.

yeahh sounds like a challenge doesnt it? she should be scared because he's going to approach her not on that trail but when she least expects it, maybe whike shes sleeping.


"I know that your dog seen me because the hair on its back stood up."

Yeah, I'd definitely be terrified.

I know, my thoughts exactly. It's like, "Hmm, what is the intention of this person who is watching me and seems to enjoy making me wonder where he is." I know, he's probably just messin around. I'm sure he's a good person who doesn't want to kill me and cut off my toes to wear them as a necklace.