
Most of their content is lifted from, a couple days later, so if you want pop culture and media analysis, you can get it straight from there. xojane IME does low-hanging-fruit clickbait better (I know, I know.) Still looking for a place where the commenters are like they used to be, here.

Oh shit, I'm sorry. Yeah, I guess the internet makes it easier for people to seek out what they objectify, rather than actually form relationships, if that's the kind of person they are. And it's probably harder to screen out the insincere via internet than in person, at least from what I've seen. Good point, and good

Wouldn't the internet still make life way easier in particular for you, though, in the same way it does for any group that is a numerical minority, ie you can meet people you'd never come across in day to day life (and without the safety issues that could attach to physical meetings?) I have a friend who's

Yes, because the Constitution clearly provides for this function. Holy shit.

I vaguely recall reading something about how the baby's hormones, tiny in comparison to the mother's as they are, influence pregnancy symptoms, but the variation between pregnancies and individual women trumps that, so typically it only makes a noticeable difference for the same woman. And I've talked to women with

Agreed. It doesn't matter how much you have Kim and/or Kanye (and I loathe them both), that baby has done not a damn thing to make herself a public figure, and deserves nothing from the media. If in 25 years she's chosen to be Paris Hilton that's different. But babies are not public figures.

a. Fair point.

Thank you so much for sharing this. This confirms that Hannan is a decent guy trying to do his job well, and not the heartless or bigoted asshole that so many of the bright lights here have been assuming. I appreciate the link.

Thank you for saying this. They are occasionally good on sexual politics and how women are portrayed in news and entertainment media. More often, they are frivolous. Occasionally, they themselves make the sorts of egregious missteps they shame other people for making them.

Honestly that's similar to what I was thinking. I don't think one awful holiday would wreck a strong marriage, but if you were on the fence anyway, or for a long time, one of those famously terrible family holidays could well be the last straw.

Did you miss the part about how she lied about EVERYTHING, from being a Vanderbilt to designing a stealth bomber to volunteering with veterans, and invented an alter ego and had entire phone conversations as a non-existent (male) person? Or how her family members say she never did any of these things, was batshit

Yeah, I hope it was clear that I was not endorsing this, just that I think it's probably an accurate summation of a good chunk of the general public.

Did they confirm that's what actually happened, though? I've watched The Empty Hearse twice and I thought they were distinctly ambiguous about what they actually did, in the end.

Burt! I just got back from the cinema and they are screening a London performance of Coriolanus starring ... TOM HIDDLESTON! And co-starring Mark Gatiss (Mycroft!) The squeeing was most undignified.

Agreed. She's a great actress, one of the most beautiful people I've seen, and from the little I know about her as a person she seems delightful, but the outfit does not do it for me.

I ... wasn't talking to you, and therefore wasn't putting words in your mouth?

As for the woman these letters were intended for, the police have spoke to her and she doesn't seem too concerned that someone who's watched too many serial killer movies is stalking her in the woods of British Columbia.

She made a blanket statement about what trans people want. I pointed out my empirical knowledge that this isn't correct, and her response was essentially a flounce, personal attacks on me, and insistence that I am too privileged to access the truths that only she can reveal.

I have a gay friend who is anti-abortion because he's convinced that the minute it becomes possible to screen a fetus for factors linked with homosexuality, they'll start selectively aborting.

Shhhh, Jezzies don't do science.