“And congratulations to the Florida State football team, now celebrating its 89th consecutive year with no arrests by us.” — Tallahassee PD spokesperson
“And congratulations to the Florida State football team, now celebrating its 89th consecutive year with no arrests by us.” — Tallahassee PD spokesperson
I’m sure the “root for the Red Sox in the playoffs” article will be up any minute now . . .
You forgot to mention 90210.
“unemployed/unabashed Boston homer”
Don’t call it the OC.
I guess he didn’t care if he ever got back.
This has been brewing for a long time. Sarah has never quite figured out why ESPN hasn’t shown a Glen Rice highlight during the past decade.
What kind of help? Like a $75M loan??
Wow, Clemente really flew under the radar.
Doing it the Write-off Way.
Speaking of buff the stuff ... the one dude looks like Buff Bagwell after severe depression and eating everything in sight.
It turns out that the Patriots released their financials as well, but didn't account for inflation.
Would you like to know more about how the Ford Transit is beating up the competition?
Blood Jort