
There is Elle too, from ToX-2 She’s adorable.

all of them. He took his Lipitor.

Give Seattle credit. As the defending champion heel, they tried to get DQ'd at the end and keep the title belt. Flair would be proud.

Human nature dictates that whenever people acquire new tools for visual expression, they'll use them to draw dicks. So when Nintendo revealed that the latest (and, quite possibly greatest) Super Smash Bros. would come with a level editor, was there any doubt about what players would do with it?

When I was online, something went out of stock, then an hour later it was back in stock. It was anarchy.

I bought the ps4 on release day, and the biggest factor for me is a simple one JRPG's because lets face it XBone wont have many/none.

Or...wait for it...Oedipaws.

I AM in the industry, and a woman.

I have seen sexism first hand, although I've also worked at places where there was none of it. I've seen talented decade experience + women passed by for a dude who can draw huge boobs despite the writer stating he was trying to go for strong female characters that are relatable.

It's like they forget articles like this:

When I as Clementine had to shoot Lee at the end of Season 1.. Sad, sad day..

Guess who won the internet...

They're loving it. First shop contest, lets see how it goes.

Credit goes to my buddy Christopher Wade, submitted on his behalf.

These kittens must be male, because you know, including female kittens would have caused the production of this video to be way over budget.

FedEx has a curious response to the campaign of "What can Brown do for you?"

I'm beary pleased about it too.

Disclaimer: I have played Infamous 3, but not First Light.