
I've only been tested for one job and it was a terrible experience. The people at the testing place treated me like I was already guilty even though it was the policy to drug test all new hires and it wasn't like they suspected me personally of being on drugs.

Ma'am you seem to have a mouse problem. I know just the guy, though.

A Song of Barking

personally, I think it's very clear what hodor's condition is. given that he can only say hodor over and over, and he's kind of simple so he only has about say... four actions he can remember at any given time, it's very clear hodor is an as yet undocumented pokemon.

Nintendo winning shocks me. Not that I'm not excited about what's to come, because I'm buying a Wii-U the moment Smash is released. But that brings me to my point.....did Nintendo really win? Or did they just stop sucking? Past few E3s have been garbage for Nintendo. Now they play it right and announce things everyone

Then there's people who didn't really have a father like myself:…

Sometimes I feel like going out and trying to find him but I'm honestly scared. I haven't seen him since my 1st birthday after all.

anyone else think that's Ezio?

this thread is hilarious

Come on man, he spells it out for you. It's D-O-Double G.

Welcome to the internet, where the comments come first and the articles don't matter.

Review Round-Up

A Porn Star, Grand Theft Auto V And Jetpacks

So it's only me that finds the video's open in my browser disgusting afterwards and quickly shuts everything down on my computer like I'm stopping a nuke from going off?

I got a 6 and am in the top 59th percentile. It's been a long time since I cared about percentiles, so I have no idea what that means.

I like this. Let's do one for gaming companies now!

Get my New Years Resolution done quickly by purchasing the Resolution Booster Pack DLC for just $2.99

It's 2014. 2+1 is 3. 4-1 is 3. Half Life 3 confirmed.

Make a game that uses "fuck" more than our last game.

343 Studios
Resolve to continue to do a

I feel like the only person in the world that is not impressed by this game. I think the Division and Destiny look far better.

Maybe something is wrong with me, I should get checked. :/

HA! Glad this made you take a look then! I made a similar mistake on some game a long time ago that I finished before finding a pre-order bonus (that I bought months after the drop), so now I rifle through all those inserts just in case something good lurks on one of them.


Anyone else find it ironic he's using a Sony 4K TV to demo this?