I pronounce it as: FOOK-OOH-O-KA.
I pronounce it as: FOOK-OOH-O-KA.
Eh, I will believe it when I see it. I cannot speak to Bleach since I have not been current with that series in a long time, but Naruto will likely pad out for another year.
I took it as sarcasm based on the universal reaction to the Wii U version of the game. I think they were trying to point out that some quality positive reviews were trickling in, not demeaning these two reviews for being outliers.
Yes, the game has wider exposure and I have no doubt that is why it made it on the list (and could win), but if it is going to be on the best list, then they might as well rename it. I would have no objections to it being on the most popular or even most influential games list. "Best" is supposed to judge the game…
Where do you live (not a specific area, but broadly speaking)? That seems ludicrous.
First of all, your argument is not really related to my point since quality is an objective measure of the overall product's value/worth, but even working under the "fun" logic, the game is not as fun as other games, and so it does not deserve to be on the list.
Again though, the passion of players and even the amount of time spent playing the game should not correlate with quality. Quality should be objective, not based on its cultural significance. It is like putting Pokemon on the best anime list. Sure, it did a ton for anime and created a global phenomenon, but at the…
But those are not merits of the game itself. For example, Transformers 2 tapped into the zeitgeist of American culture enough to be the highest grossing film ever, and I imagine it has "inspired" companies to try and replicate its success (I doubt Battleship would exist without it), but it is an objectively terrible…
I could actually agree with Rock Band or Guitar Hero being on the list. At least it invented a game genre (R.I.P. rhythm games that don't involve dancing), and was a lot of fun to play. As you said, it was one of the best party games ever. Meanwhile, wii sports, despite its broad appeal, it was just kind of okay. It…
You are confusing popularity and an objective understanding of "the best." As I said, Catherine would not appear on most lists, but it is something that I felt was nearly perfect in what it was attempting. Ace Attorney does not really deserve the spot for anything other than its sharp writing, and that is why I just…
Did...did you just argue against and for my point simultaneously? You just blew my mind. The game was nothing but a tech demo. A good tech demo, but a demo just the same. That does not make it one of the "best" games ever.
But again, this is a "best" list, not the most influential. By that logic, Gears should be on the list since it inspired every grey shooter of the current gen.
"the best games of the past decade."
With the exception of Wii Sports (what were they smoking?), and WoW(not my cup of tea), that is a pretty good list. I would supplement Wii Sports with Journey and WoW with Catherine (I know I will get a lot of flack for that choice, but I loved that game to bits). Also, I wish the Ace Attorney series could get a shout…
As a buyer, PayPal is a pretty good company to use. Feel free to continue to use them.
No drugs or alcohol (which I actually am as well), no music, believes that people should surrender their hobbies in pursuit of a mundane job, a dislike for parties, etc. Are...are you a robot?
Oh, you have to admit it came across a little trollish.
Corporations- 1,000,000,000,000,000. Little guy- 0.
There is such a thing as being under-insured. Just because you have something does not mean it is all that good.
Yeah, there is something about the Yakuza games that scream "you must devote all of your time to me or else just give up." I had a break for a bit, and so I powered through Yakuza 3 in about a week. Meanwhile, I just have not had that kind of time for Yakuza 4 (I have owned it for 6 months, and have yet to get farther…