
I realize you are coming into this thread late and want to have a knee jerk reaction, but look at the rest of the replies in this thread. I am not advocating for fanboyism at all.

Just because you are interacting with the media differently, I don't see how they are different. Sure, there are games that are focused on fun mechanics only (PSN/XBL games, Madden, etc), but games like ME cannot really be separated from their story since that is what defines them.

"What do you mean by passion?"

I think you should probably read through the rest of the thread. I do not actually disagree with most of what you are saying and I do not think that anyone should blindly be wearing the Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo armor.

I agree. And they deserve our ire for the stagnation lately. That is what I mean by being passionate about gaming as a culture. When companies screw up on the business end, that effects us. The gaming community should be passionate about gaming and all its aspects. That does not mean we need to love the businesses. It

As a "consumer" buying Angry Birds? no passion required.

Maybe I was a little in-eloquent in wording it, but that is what I mean. Gaming deserves passion (both the enjoyment of the products, the creation/creators of them, and the community that has developed regarding them), not necessarily the company.

I suppose that is true. I still would argue that they deserve respect (and even logically justified anger) when warranted, but you have said nothing that would preclude respecting a company's vision from your argument; you are just saying not to worship them like they are Gozer and you are the key master.

I guess the "gaming community" would be a better use of words, but I don't think video games are just a hobby anymore. They are a cultural entity. That is why Wreck-it-Ralph made so much money.

"These are businesses. So give them your business. Not your passion."

Well, not all theaters in America are this way. For example, IMAX assigns seats and a few other chains do as well. By and large though, most just allow you to pick your seat.

Well, try watching LOST or BSG again. Are they great shows? yes. Did their respective endings bring the show down? absolutely.

I remember showing it to my father once when it first came out, and I could see in his eyes that he was thisclose to questioning my sexuality. Good times.

Yeah, I figured some people would want to click away at the beginning. I know that I thought it was a very different kind of video at the beginning too.

I second this. For anyone one on the fence, buy it. It is very smartly written and requires an intellectual viewing (no watching this in the background while you play on Facebook).

Anyone else think Samus just seems stoic and a wee bit pissed?

Now playing

To the uninitiated, may I recommend the video to their song "I feel better." Watch it past the first 45 seconds to see the awesomeness unfold

Tough to say without knowing what reviews specifically you are talking about, but it sounds like you would be at home at a place like IGN where they mostly just review the games that appeal to the widest range of people. You won't see as many non-triple AAA games, and they are generally pretty lenient with their

These are not an accurate example of most stores. Having done Black Friday for 10 years in a suburban area, I have never seen anything resembling the above videos.

Someone had to say it. Yes, P3 is really great, and was my first JRPG.