
I feel there are really two “best” times to play a game (although I completely agree with the sentiment of the article I’m just saying for myself these are the most prefered times to play)

“It’s a blue world after all...”

Liam Neeson better be Aslan.

I’m sorry, but he’s clearly a terrible choice. He clearly has human-sized feet, a normal number of teeth, and a spine that doesn’t twist like a cat’s. How can he possibly play Cable?

I guess Keira Knightley couldn’t fit it in.

better you than him - you chose an occupation that by its very nature places you in the path of danger on a daily basis, and one that requires you to protect and serve, and which may also require you to sacrifice yourself for the greater good of the community, the community you swore to defend.

I totally get, respect, and frankly admire the necessity to have all the scripts up to Cameron’s high standards before shooting.