
Related story:
I was a kid when the 1989 GameBoy came out and I had broken the back battery cover to it, so the batteries would pop out if I tried to use it.
We lived in the same city as the Nintendo office and my mother had called the local listed number for it asking if she could buy one.
I’m going off memory here,

Good lord Kojima looks haggard.

best console ever.

GIFs that are wholly appropriate for the generation most likely to be stoked over this news; you, sir or madam, win all of my stars.

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Toshiro Mifune was a fucking amazing actor. Ever film he was in demanded you notice him and his character to its fullest. Even disregarding Seven Samurai (how the HELL do you do that?) taking 'Yojimbo' and 'Sanjuro' on their own just displays his range as an actor.