
Your parents help you put them together!

This was an amazing read. Beautiful piece, Mr. Harriot.

I wonder if it will come with a genuine pre-yellowed bottom half or if we’ll have to wait a year from purchase for it to turn that creamy, dingy hue.

Trying to contain my inner teen goth from jumping for joy. Wonder what forced them to sit on it for 12 years.

Brody’s review gave me a nose bleed. Kremlnology? Wha? Der ferk?! ... Excuse me. I need to lie down now. O.o

“But then the show had to make her decide to walk the rest of the way to the Hilltop community, which was super-weird.”

Negan ordered his crew to leave Rick and Co. a truck, “So you can haul all the shit you’re going to find me.”? Wouldn’t have Maggie and Sasha have taken the truck to Hilltop?

How did this become a point of discussion over there? Of course it should!

Her name reads like a Star Wars character’s!

Wonderful news! Made my day!

My better half and I have been enjoying it too. I say this as someone who loathes the BBT.

She also took umbrage with the characters ethnicities being too Caucasian.

Hell... yes!

Aeris lives? Then have a dire consequences to that. Sephiroth’s apocalyptic plan succeeds?

Star Warriors I believe.

There's a special place in Hell for those people.

This makes me not want to live.

What a cold, eerie, wondrous thing. Thanks so much for sharing!

Where should one begin if one wishes to endeavor Lee’s catalog?

Walking out of the dome in the future. The music, desolated land, the wind sweeping through the wastes. It was at once eerie and wondrous. It conveyed the stakes of the time hopping adventure.

Lotsa books, couple novelty tees, a Steam gift card and somethings wrapped nothing.