
It certainly doesn't help that it's an exercise in over indulgence helmed by an ego maniac. Certainly love Jim Cameron, but I miss the guy who used to make kickin action movies with heart. His scripts were never the tightest examples of screenwriting, but he knew how to weave a heart stopping Hollywood yarn. Darn

Full disclosure: I came late to this party. My girlfriend at the time (now my wife) introduced me to the show. This certainly makes me bias as it played a special role in our early courtship. Since I marathoned the first five seasons I was spared the maddening wait so many viewers experienced. This probably also

Looks like "yesterday's tomorrow" is coming back in a big way.

I love me some Prairie Home Companion too!

It's... so beautiful. *sheds a single tear*

Okay! Sure! I'm totally down with this!

Totally recommend their Dawn of War series. The first DoW is closer to CoH than DoWII.

I've always been a proponent of teaching empathy classes to very young kids and (especially) middle schoolers. Glad there are more people who feel that way.

"....: Rising"

Good luck and godspeed to him. Excited to see what he'll do next.

OOOOOOH! I can't wait!

I just got done with the first book which was fantastic. Have the next three waiting in the wings.

It got rubbing at my goosebumps! Can't wait!

Shouldn't it be spelled "shleep"?

Why no love for Ahsoka Tano?

And my heart bustles with joy!

They neglected to include shoplifting as an option.

"And yes, I totally just spent 16 bucks on a game I've already bought three times. Because I love you guys."

One of the best ways to prepare fresh-faced youths for the harsh gauntlet that awaits them after they drop off their cap and gown... Adulthood!

As an adolescent who attended high school in a financially challenged neighborhood, I always dreamed of studying in libraries that were this breathtakingly opulent.