
Me too! Very snazzy in royal blue!

An excellent question that belongs in an AP philosophy course in which most of the curriculum consists of meditation and one sentence essays.

Reminds me of The Hair Bear Bunch. Shame this couldn't have happened on a bicycle built for three.

You... are... the saint of inducing smiles.

How about a Starfleet Academy series?

Also, Detroit.

Me too. Maybe even chortled a little.

Seeing Elysium was like going on a first date with a really yummy looking person. You sit down to have drinks/dinner and a few minutes in you realize, "Wow. There isn't a whole lot to you!"

How have we not seen someone make a movie that sends up console wars? This kind of back and forth screams parody. Yo, Hollywood, get on that! Double time!

Part science fiction, part melodrama, part character study. Written in the form of a pseudo memoir from the point of view of protagonist Charlie Gordon. Engrossing and utterly devastating. I read through the entirety while on jury duty once and had to excuse myself from the waiting room to wipe away the tears. I

Dramatic (bad) news used to sell papers. Now it gets clicks. Click, click, clickity clicks.

Been holding out for an irresistible price before getting Civ V Brave New World. Love these monesavers! Thanks, Shane!


Regarding your involvement with inXile's Torment - Is it intimidating working on a writing project with a larger team than you may be used to? Are you hesitant to throw out ideas or question others' contributions? Do the other members foster a comfortable, please-speak-your-mind sort of environment?

Dear Game Devs,

Coming soon? NOT soon enough!

Agreed! The soundtrack is in regular rotation on my iPod.

Eek! Probably should have included a link. Thanks. :O)

Shout out to Mur's terrific podcast "for wanna be fiction writers," I Should Be Writing.

Have a friend whose girlfriend at the time got the Chinese characters for “sexy" tattooed on her nape. Some weeks passed, and they went to a party where someone’s Chinese family member was visiting form out of town. He saw the tattoo and asked why she got the word “whore” inked on her. Needless to say, she was