
What do you think- orange Aperture jumpsuits over tuxes at the wedding?

Anthology series?

I'm already on board too!

Perhaps the sequel will win me over in the ways that the first HtTYD didn’t. Did enjoy the delectable visuals and shockingly mature violence. I’m hoping the story comes together in the next two installments.

The last time I played Monopoly, the pipe-sucking slum lord I was RPing wiped the floor with my opponents. They were none too happy about losing so hard that we didn’t even finish the game and haven’t played since. If they ever read this and ask for a rematch, I’ll declare my retirement as the undefeated champion of

Let all the wallets hear, I say! Nothing will stop the purging of bank accounts once the onslaught begins! MWAHAHAHAHA!

This begs the question – Where’s the Steam summer sale?

This confirms my suspicion that all life in the whole of existence was spawned from penguins.

Everyone pined over a “mature” Zelda for so long and, while we eventually got Twilight Princess, I’d like to see them a step further and maybe play in the shallow end of George R.R. Martin’s big kids pool. Certainly not full M for Mature but make the world a little bleak, make Link a little weathered and worn and

I would rather the emotional oomph play out something like – You take control of the dog standing over his master’s dead body. The heavy is taunting you, press X to trounce the guy (or gal) and rip out their throat. Roll credits cue shitty rap song.

Been eagerly awaiting SR:R since the Kickstarter launch. I’m bummed that it’s been pushed out more than a month. Still, glad they’ve announced a firm release date. Wonder what kinda of snag they hit.

I probably meant earlier in their careers. The show came out in 2009. Our household didn't catch it until it was on NetFlix streaming. Which probably made us part of the reason it had such a short life.

Early in their careers Amber Tamblyn and Jeremy Renner starred in a quirky police drama called The Unusuals. While the finale offered some semblance of a resolution, that is to say the arch for each character was clearly visible, there was little closure. Especially when it came to Adam Goldberg’s tragic Detective

In order to compensate for Hyrulian Adventurers’ Guild meager retirement plan, Link began moonlighting as a mural painter. Pictured here is the artist with his self-portrait.

Sony with a monumentally impressive start right out of the gate! I only hope they keep it up.

My mom used to work security at a major international airport. Occasionally, her and her staff got to take any luggage that was separated, for whatever reason, from its owner and never reclaimed. Once she came home with an old timey physician’s bag that was fastened shut with a large Master brand lock. We were already

Safe to say that P1, P2, etc. will be replaced with each player's gamertag?

Volk’s article was a sad nostalgia trip; made all the more surreal by my vivid recollection of the nineties.

I will sit here and reflect inwardly on these musings. Hummm....

Comedienne Margaret Cho once drew a correlation between the Star Trek and the BDSM communities. Just some food for thought.