
That’s the thing with that type of tomfoolery with one’s friends. Theories start off strong but seldom go very far. Doesn’t make it any less fun and once in a while you’ll hit on a sterling piece of analysis that merits sharing with others.

That’s pretty funny! Never looked at it that way. Not sure I agree with your friend’s assessment, but if one were under the influence of mind altering substances then I could easily see one drawing such a conclusion. Not that one needs said agents to draw any sort of wild conclusion about any piece of fiction, but

"Check it out, dawg! I'm a tree with a face!

But I’m not a member of the GGG (Gratuitous Geek Guild). I bite the heads off chickens strictly on a freelance basis only. I do however subscribe to the platinum premium program for the WWW (Wanton Wankers Workshop) but only for the health care and dental plans.

Crates! Or possibly stacked copies of LotR?

If Valve ever decides to make Dota 2 movie they can repurpose this costume for the Windrunner character.

I was under the impression that it was common knowledge that homeboy drove on two way street and was into squat, bearded dudes.

Mayhap Tolkien was a sexist?

I think she looks cool too.

Funny that this story should go up now as I just started replaying it on my dusty, early model PSP. I picked up the iPhone version when it was still new but found it uncomfortable to play on such a small screen. Thought heavily about picking up the iPad app; which I may actually now do just to see all those sweet,

How long before I can get my very own Dallying Llama plush pet?

For nigh to nine years I worked in a diagnostics lab. Safety protocol was violated on a nightly basis. If the management saw fit to use instructional material that was this blunt and in your face about the importance of following safety training the place wouldn’t have been one giant OSHA violation. Then again, the

There’s a good chance I’ve said a trillion times over, but there’s probably a parallel universe it which Nintendo is on its fourth or fifth iteration of the SNES. To go a step further, I’d say there’s also a reality in which they never stopped producing their console games on cartridges.

Fables is quite possibly my favorite thing ever second maybe to breathing… Maybe. I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but given the pedigree behind The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is at the head of the project it’s tall order not to get excited.

Nowhere near as good as having a printed hardcover of his works, but creative uncut is a goldmine of Yoshida’s illustrations categorized by game title.


Sport: bunny shootin!

And the guns will be magical and they'll talk to you and you'll form a deep emotional attachment to them and they'll love you more than anything.

I second that nomination! His style is my current obsession, especially his more recent work on FF – The 4 Heroes of Light and Bravely Default.

As a former shut-in I can attest to how well this image incarnates the feelings associated with being a prisoner in one’s own home. While the intent of the piece is to convey the passage of time in a world fallen into decay, it’s strangely evocative of the claustrophobia and disgust manipulating a person from even