
Any game likened to Final Fantasy Tactics by its creators immediately perks my interest like the aroma of freshly cooked bacon to a doggie's nose!

Immortal King: Lice ridden peasants go here.

Already put down my twenty bucks 'cause I'm a chummmm-pah!

And his son's friends. Apparently associating themselves with Junior Scarborough makes them potent manly men.

I’m an old curmudgeonly sod who hates everything. Normally I’m the one ranting about a particular movie’s quality; or lack-there-of. Even with a refined a palette as mine, I do occasionally confuse a steaming pile of dung for an artistic masterstroke. That said, the one movie I can conjure at the moment to match this

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Before "District 9" Neill Blomkamp made this short film about a robot acclimating to working with humans in an office.

Exactly! Violence doesn’t have to be explicit to be effective. Sometimes a quick cut or series of quick cuts create an apropos jarring snap of an intense. Think of The Joker’s disappearing pencil trick and how everyone in the theater did a double take when it happened.

What if it’s an asshole like Harlan Ellison?

"Movies for kids generally exist in a zone of lowered expectations.”

American animated movies could stand to have a little decapitation and maiming in their action scenes. Not a ridiculous amount, but enough to let kids know, "Yo, this is what a sword is capable of doing. Respect that hard, cold edge, junior/juniorette!"

I wish someone would make a proper Dune movie. Sigh.

Every studio with excess monetary resources should have a department whose singular purpose is to scour the internet for these crazy rumors and turn the most outlandish ones into working prototypes.


We are of like minds. I go through these phases where I get obsessed with a specific artist/illustrator and try to emulate their style. Yoshida just so happens to be the flavor of the month; particularly his work on FF 4 Heroes of Light and Bravely Default as the style is such a huge departure from FFT and Vagrant

The art book alone is worth the cost if no other reason than to have Akihiko Yoshida’s illustrations in a single hardbound collection.

Wouldn’t be surprised to see a trailer for the Europe and NA localized versions of Bravely Default. Who knows, the words Final Fantasy might even be above the title. Wouldn’t be the first time they’ve rebranded a non-FF game as an offshoot of their flagship franchise for the western market.

A conceptually cool idea. Reminds me somewhat of the Majesty games in which direct control of your subjects was not an option; a mechanic that turned away most people from that series. It’s a real shame the characters are totally inarticulate. Animations are limited to the models sliding around tiles and flipping off

Please let there be an option to swap out my multiplayer avatar's head with the dog's. Please, please, please.

“You're finally getting that live-action Halo you've been clamoring for, and it's going to be produced by Steven Spielberg. Poor Neill Blomkamp.”

Bloop from the Lost in Space tv series was pretty bad. Howver, the budget and ambitions of the show were modest. That alone is enough to give it a pass. Also, the chimp is pretty darn cute. The design of the pet alien, renamed Blarp, from the 1998 movie was far more egregious in it's stupidity.