
They crazy!

Monsters Inc. is one of the few Pixar movies I love. I was skeptical about the prospect of this follow up, but your reassurance to its quality has turned me around on it even existing. Mentioning Animal House or Revenge of the Nerds instantly piques my attention. Elysium is probably my big must see for the summer. Man

Just because he’s got enough money to be the thirty-seventh richest country in the world doesn’t mean he doesn’t have insecurities. He’s devoting his life and fortune to making the world a better place for the less fortunate. Cut the guy some slack, South Korea.

Fairly certain that no self-respecting zombie would be caught eating silicon. Fresh flesh only, please.

Huh?! Certainly not! I just like the ballsy, left leaning extremism with which Dan Brown wrote the story. It's fiction of the most ridiculous order.

This is madness! At the risk of sounding crass- does it bring us one step closer to the simulated/cyber-sex machines we all imagined when first introduced to virtual reality all those years ago?

Based on your assessment I’m getting a real Dan Brown/Da Vinci Code vibe. Which is a good thing; I enjoyed The Da Vinci Code immensely, going so far as to name my dog Sophie (emphasizing to everyone the importance of the P-H-I in the spelling). It’s an unnerving concept given how closely it mirrors the

It looks like an uninspired facsimile of the movie; shocking given that the movie was originally intended to be a TV series. The quality screams direct-to-video fair, which it pretty much is.

You rock!!!!

Sparkles I get, but wouldn’t a festive, candycane striped party hat be more apropos? Maybe one with a pompom on tip!

Maybe it’s my age, but I never got the crazy appeal of this guy. Quirky Korean pop star who recants anti-American sentiments after his music video makes a big splash here and people start showering his feet with money. Totally goes over my head. But hey, I’m old.


I would be remiss by not posting a map of Ivalice from the first Final Fantasy Tactics from released on the original PlayStation.

If it offers the functionality and unfulfilled potential of the Dreamcast VMU and the PocketStation (never released in NA); while simultaneously serving the practical applications of a watch and communication device then I'd seriously consider getting one. Provided they offer colors other than white.

Wow! Certainly have my work cut out for me then, eh? Did you also read all the ancillary stuff Pratchett wrote or did you still to just the novels?

Oh, sweet! Thanks, Franky! :O)The prices are pretty reasonable too.

This is beautiful! Would make excellent office wall decor.

Reading this series right now. One of those things that I got too years ago but, you know, life got in the way. Funny stuff.

Tried my hand at map making when I was in high school. Never got very adept at it by just studying the maps I picked up at gas stations. The only cartography book in our school's library was a fretted mess with some missing pages, penis/tit/vagina drawings all along the margins and large swabs of text smeared from