
All other things are not equal, so it's irrelevant. Asian males earn more than white males. That's the only thing that matters, and the reasons for it are totally irrelevant to the point at hand, which is that white male privilege is a myth. The end.

Says who? Any individual or group who has authority/dominance over you can oppress you. You don't get to make up your own definition for words just because the correct one is inconvenient to your political agenda.

Says who? Nothing in my dictionary says "oppression" must be how you describe it. Any group or individual with authority over you can oppress you. It doesn't have to be "systemic" (whatever that's supposed to mean), widespread...or anything like that...and it doesn't require one single group to have "all the powah".

When speaking about the black community, "not welcomed" is a euphemism for being murdered in a hate attack. I think that qualifies as oppression.

A single black male in a position of authority can oppress the white males working for him. A gang of black males can easily oppress a single white male who accidentally strays into a "black" neighborhood.

How long do you think that "joy" will last? They're only joyful because they're rubbing this in the faces of decent people everywhere. Once the novelty wears off - and it will - they'll be unhappy as they were before and they'll be pushing for more special privileges for themselves. Next on the agenda will be lowering

You've got it completely wrong. It's the homosexuals who are using marriage as a business partnership - they're the ones always talking about obscure financial and tax benefits that most heterosexuals have never even heard of. Homosexual relationships aren't even based on love, they're based on lust, and if they

You're getting what you wanted - to be treated the same as men. Not as nice as you thought it would be, is it?

I thought his grovelling was pathetic. Have some dignity. You're a white man, you can do and say anything you want.

What do you think Jezebel is?

Well naturally, any troll is going to tailor their insults to their specific target. They'll say the things they know will cut the deepest, they'll target certain vulnerabilities and insecurities. Just because a troll threatens to rape a woman, it doesn't mean he really believes anything he says, and it doesn't

Well if that's your definition, we all feel entitled to something. Feminists more than most.

I don't disagree about civility, but Lindy West isn't exactly Miss Civility herself. She knows what she's doing when she writes these deliberately provocative articles.

Well it is just the internet.....and it's not that I don't think there's anything wrong with rape threats, it's just that 99.9% of the people threatening you on the internet are full of shit. If someone really had the intention of causing you physical harm, they'd just do it. They wouldn't waste time sending threats

If you're too delicate and sensitive to be able to handle a bit of internet trolling, you don't deserve to be taken seriously as an equal to men. Talk about being a damsel in distress.

He wants to but he has no power to do so, so it's simply desire, not entitlement, and it's no different to how many women feel the way the world should be. In fact, women on the whole, and in particular feminists, tend to be far more entitled than men.

That's desire. It only becomes "entitlement" when he denies Leslie or her mom free agency, which he hasn't.

Well of course there is. It's called good manners. If you're going to be a miserable and rude bitch just because you think societal norms don't apply to you, don't complain when people respond to you negatively.

No, it's not, not at all. Entitlement is a mentality, not a behavior, The fact that you don't like his method of pursuing women he finds attractive doesn't make him entitled, nor does the fact that this particular woman rejected him.

Desiring somebody is not the same thing as feeling "entitled" to them. Please learn the difference.