
Pretty stupid, he didn't claim to be oppressed. And yes, it IS important for women (particularly the upperclass white feminist women that make up the Jezebel's audience) to check their enormous privilege from time to time. If repeating lies about the 'wage gap' (must have missed my white male bonus check this

I would have a little more respect for the white male should check there privilege talk if I wasn't reading it from a young attractive white female on a website written mainly by white female who like nothing more then complaining about how badly done by they are. Write a few article about how much better of you are

Shut the fuck up, privileged limp dick.

Nobody has to smile all the time (and quite honestly you'd probably come off pretty damn weird if you did), but there is a difference between a neutral 'not-smiling' expression and walking around with a look that says 'the very existence of human life disgusts me and fills me with contempt'.

What a ridiculous notion. Studies say men who are circumcised have less sensitivity, so they may not feel sex (or blowjobs) as much. Any woman who shuns a penis b/c it has its natural foreskin is childish and ignorant. Don't circumcise your sons. It's just a stupid thing Americans do because of tradition.

I know the history of the Romani people. I've read up on them. People have had themed birthday parties forever. I don't get why they are considered so offensive now. We are way to PC. I get not wanting to glorify negative things, but dressing up and having a themed cake isn't offensive. She didn't say anything bad

To me, the more interesting issue is not Breslaw's random anti-semitic trolling, but really the issue of why a writer for a polemically pro-choice site would choose to advance this particular argument, that pro-choice views are "so main stream that even satanists accept them." My pro-choice views are morally right