
I think people would be less obsessed if Democrats and feminists weren't so dishonest about it. Stop referring to "reproductive rights", "right to choose" or "my body, my choice" because it's none of those things. It's killing a fetus, and we can only have a honest and productive discussion on the matter when

You're free to do what you want with your vagina, you just don't have the right to kill a fetus. You should learn the difference, and then you might understand why nobody respects feminists.

Once you're at the point where abortion is necessary, it's no longer an issue of "reproductive freedom". Use whatever birth control you like, but post-conception you are no longer in control because it's no longer about you and your body, it's about the fetus., you're not. Respect has to be earned, and you do that by being a real woman and not neglecting your duties as a woman. I have no respect for women who are too selfish or immature to face up to their responsibilities.

I'm not going to defend the GOP, but the reason minorities don't vote GOP is simple, and it says more about minorities than it does about the GOP: the Democrats bribe the minorities with welfare and special privileges.

Decent people will keep bringing it up, forever, so you might as well give up now.

Some of them may be true, but they lack context and perspective.

What a nerve. It was your people who invented the victimization complex and turned it into an industry. You can't blame everyone else for wanting a slice of the pie.

Let me see if I understand this correctly.

Could you give me a couple of examples of these positive images and models for white people.

The song is stupid, no doubt, but what's more stupid is the knee-jerk, hysterical over-reaction. They're not the ones being self-entitled douchebags and whining crybabies here.

Totally serious. Whites have to hear about how evil, racist and privileged they are 12 months of the year (not just during Black History Month), so what's wrong with one month to focus on something positive for a change?

It's trolling to point out Asian female privilege?

Yeah, whites would like at least one month where they aren't blamed for slavery, genocide, and pretty much everything else that is wrong with the world. Is it really too much to ask that people refrain from inciting racial hatred against us?

It's about as hard as being an Asian girl I suppose. After all, Asian girls on average will be more educated and earn more than women of other races, they'll be less likely to see the inside of a jail cell, and they're considered sexually desirable by men of all races. Oh, and they live longer too.

The only people failing women of color are women of color themselves.

Wait, what? What did I miss? Where does white privilege come into it?

Thanks, but no thanks. I'm perfectly happy with a patriarchal society. In fact, the problem with our society today is that it's not patriarchal enough. It doesn't harm me, and I don't need your help or care, and therefore I won't be joining you. Ever. Even the 51% of humanity (who I don't hate at all - I only hate

And feminists wonder why they have a reputation for being irrational, over-sensitive and emotionally unbalanced.....

Don't know, but I bet the people like yourself who are whining about it thought the "Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks At Them" t-shirt from a few years ago was hilarious and empowering. Personally I don't really care either way (getting upset over kids t-shirts is a bit pathetic), but the feminist hypocrisy is amusing to