
Real Asian women would do it for free. It's only the "Asian Americans" who've been brainwashed by the modern American victim mentality who have a problem, and even those are pretty rare. Most Asian American women worship white men. It's just their nature.

Who are you to tell white Americans what is or isn't acceptable? If you have a problem with white privilege, consider moving to the Asian country of your choice and enjoying all the Asian privilege you like. Most real Asian women who actually live in Asia would love to swap places with you and happily worship a white

Are you jealous much? Try being more feminine and submissive yourself if you don't like the attention the Asian girls are getting.

Well as a white man who spent some time working in several Asian countries, it never made me feel uncomfortable when the women worshipped me. It's just their nature. Why do you have to be such a victim about it?

Don't be so jealous.

The primary reason is it's pointless mutilation. However, I don't think the Jews and their primitive, backwards customs should be above criticism. Why are you so defensive of them though? Have you ever stopped to think there might be a reason why they tend to be disliked, rather than playing the anti-semite card?

Who's worrying? You're the one being defensive.

Very creepy guy. "Spiritually" better? It reminds me of an even creepier guy who was writing pro-circumcision propaganda articles after he got circumcised because his Jewish girlfriend wanted him to. He kept talking about how "spiritually fulfilling" his circumcision was and how he now "felt complete" and other

The issue of abortion is nothing to do with your vagina, it's to do with the fetus.

This is pure propaganda from the circumcision industry. How would these men even know, since most of them can't remember ever having a foreskin? They have nothing to compare it to. And who are these men who wish they were circumcised as babies? I keep hearing this exact claim all the time (word for word, it's

Unless there's a genuine medical problem, there's simply no need for it. Circumcision only reduces sensitivity and any man who doesn't regret it is in denial. This is really a weird American tradition that needs to end, but circumcision is now an industry with its own propaganda machine touting its supposed health

Nobody has the right to not be judged for their behavior, especially in public. When you're in public, whatever you do/say/wear becomes everyone's business.

You're truly oppressed. I can't believe some people think modern feminism is irrelevant in America.

There's no such thing as rape culture.

Why is it not ok? And would a "redneck" party be ok?

People who complain about gypsies being "oppressed" have obviously never had the pleasure of living next to them. Some groups of people just leave you with no choice.

The rise of "far right parties" was always going to be the inevitable result of uncontrolled immigration, so who's really to blame here? The people who came up with the idea to swamp Europe with immigrants in the first place.

The problem is that the Romans didn't try to stop it, or at least they didn't try hard enough. Of course, though, it can be stopped if we really want to stop it. It's the cowardice of our leaders who are too afraid to be seen as "racist" that means this problem isn't resolved. It's imperative we do something to

While overt "racism" may not be so common anymore among weak and effeminate whites, such as gawker hipsters, the most racist people in our society are still the blacks and Hispanics, so beliefs like mine are actually gaining traction, not losing it. And if the black and Hispanic racists were ever to get the upper hand

The African slaves didn't build anything, they just picked a bit of cotton. It's also a lie - invented by Noel Ignatiev, a white-hating bigot (look him up) - that the Irish weren't considered white. They faced some discrimination from the Protestant majority for being Catholic, but they were never, ever not considered