me too, but you know those were the innocent halcyon 70's when nothing went wrong ever
me too, but you know those were the innocent halcyon 70's when nothing went wrong ever
seriously, nine is not even old enough to walk to school by yourself.
guess that would make RSDFORME's sign... Officious
another story Matt Lauer won't be covering on Today...
my mom left New York when she was ten, during WWII, and moved to Seattle. From there she moved to California and lived there the rest of her life. To her dying day five years ago people could still hear NYC in her voice, sometimes even to the point of guessing the borough she used to live in.
quoth the Ravens: oh shit, DELETE
augh dammit cannot edit. Turns out this is not the same guy. This is an entirely different douchenozzle from the same school! Although it begs the question what's in the cactus juice they're serving that this seems to be institutionalized there to this extent that one has to ask, "WHICH vocal rape apologist dirtbag…
I think he's part of this group here, getting his ass handed to him at ASU (different school)
If drunk women who have sex are able to claim "rape," why aren't drunk men alleviated of responsibility for the poor decisions they make?
unless you pull a Rorschach and just drop his ass down an elevator shaft :-D
reminds me of that one line in "The Eye Of Argon" about the sacrificial victim kicking the evil priest "squarely BETWEEN the testicles." Which is bad enough but then the next paragraph starts, "The STARTLED priest" and that particular adjective is like way down on my personal list of possible descriptives.
I was looking for it, but I only had a link on the now defunct Fandom Wank wiki... but yeah, that's the one I was thinking of
oh lord don't go near the "catsup/ketchup" thing, it's like that whole "frosting/fondant" debacle
"Hey, Ashton! You owe me $32,000 you sick fuck!"
nope. Older men in sports casting = "veteran, experienced, knowledgeable" older women in sports casting = "not a good fit for the brand image"
aha. All things in their proper tags and all that :-D
why is this filed to "art" and not filed where it belongs, to "Florida"?
well the guy who owned Bop City was named Jimmy, so I'm hearing Bugs Bunny go "myaaaa could be"
kind of OT but is Bedrock the rename of Bop City Comics or a newer store? I used to go to Bop City in the 80's/early 90's, they were on Rt 9 in Framingham right across from Shopper's World. I still have comic boards with their company stamp on them (old comic reader is old)
he's never seen that type of behavior. And he's been looking. I mean really really looking. A lot. Hanging out in the halls, the broom closet, the stairwell, ladies' bathroom. Looking.