check the minutes of that meeting, are we sure he didn't end his question with "asking for a friend"?
check the minutes of that meeting, are we sure he didn't end his question with "asking for a friend"?
seriously if Lockjaw is so bad why'd they name a Marvel superhero dog after it? HUH? BOOYA!
I was born and raised in Marin county and I am not surprised at all. AT ALL. the only thing bigger than their per capita income is their per capita smug know nothing-itis.
a few years ago I went in for a minor treatment but was also diagnosed with an infection so they prescribed an antibiotic, which I did not know I was allergic to —had never had it and have never had any allergies of any sort — until after I finished the steroid regimen for the original minor treatment; the steroid was…
for me it was "Weird Jesus freaks who were one broken tail light away from being the next Ted Bundy."
Harlequin has a top notch editing staff, that's why
seriously! The way to handle someone who may be bothering patrons is to go out and ask the gentleman if he'll be dining with us today? (and look for either the no thanks look or the stop asking me questions I'll do the bothering people around here look) and the ladies get asked if there's anything else we can do for…
the book he's holding in the picture... about blended families.
in the mid 80's I worked at a small motel in Northern California at the junction of two major highways so we always got the best and most interesting traffic, especially around Ren Faire time as we were the closest thing to a motel anywhere near the site. Anyway. Hotel also had a restaurant attached and it was pretty…
Northern CA it is definitely a thing, we used to buy the big ol' bottles of it.
yes, if you had it before you were a year old you should get a vaccination for it. That's why they don't immunize infants under 1 year, the immune system isn't quite ready for permanent resistance to these things.
also note that the paper is refusing to "name and shame" the deceased obit writer responsible for that piece of crap writing. Thereby giving that person (probably him? can't imagine a woman writing that sentence unless she was a failed fiction writer relegated to obit writing and just totes jelus) the posthumous…
yeah, a rash if you're lucky. A rash, deafness, and sterility if you're not. Also death.
I also grew up in the era before a chickenpox vaccine. I had all the other ones but chickenpox was one of those things you just had to get and hopefully get over. However.
frankly congratulations are in order that they could hit a target that small.
I am the biggest coffee underachiever ever and I would never ever ever insult the person who is making the thingy that's keeping my brain flywheelie turning. I have never met a barista who was not my bestest friend ever for five minutes. People who don't understand this are just not real Javacructians.
Finally understanding the level of Monogrammed Thermosery I am dining with,