Sorry to go off-topic, but I just came across this BULLSHIT:
Sorry to go off-topic, but I just came across this BULLSHIT:
I don't mean to brag, but I don't have to have sex with unconscious people to have sex.
"Hey Bras, guess who's paying child support in 9 months and spreads STDs!? Yup! It's this Bra!"
Lockjaw builds character, duh
men's stupidity is a trope that is absolutely played up in hollywood.
not all monsters have mental illness. not all people with mental illness are monsters.
"What's with this creepy obsession with avoiding condoms I wonder? It seems to be a common thread."
You know what's annoying about the vaccines cause autism line? Anti-vaxxers act like autism is a fate worse than death. I mean, obviously, no one wants their kid to have to face a word that is not kind to neuro-atypical people and I know that it is a spectrum with more difficulties on one end than on the other, but…
You know, as a male feminist, I was interested by this:
"he described his infatuation with power dynamics as a fetish"
Oy, this is terrifying and depressing, and the phenomenon of 'macktivists' seems to be getting more and more prevalent as feminism has been getting more mainstream attention. I recently got an Okcupid message from a guy who went on about being a feminist, then made a rape joke in his questions. When I pointed this out…
I have never experienced assault at the hands of a male feminist, but I have experienced Macktivism for sure. I only trust men who listen more than they talk about feminism (in a conversation with women), who are feminist in actions but not necessarily name. I look for nuances in conversation, reactions to real world…
I bet it's for cooties. When ya gotta court the women vote and all that...
women. not females.
Yeah, pretty much. I know there has been some work done to try and figure out ways to revers allergies, or have the body build up a resistance to it, (I think it was done with peanut butter and cat allergies) but that doesn't much help when you don't know before hand, and most people don't. And i'm sure you were given…
I've never done it (or seen it done), but honestly? Fuck that guy. I hope he got a big old cheeseburger loogie omelet.