
Sorry to go off-topic, but I just came across this BULLSHIT:

The jury set him straight....

I don't mean to brag, but I don't have to have sex with unconscious people to have sex.

"Hey Bras, guess who's paying child support in 9 months and spreads STDs!? Yup! It's this Bra!"

Lockjaw builds character, duh

So, this suit recovers moisture from your exhalations?

men's stupidity is a trope that is absolutely played up in hollywood.

not all monsters have mental illness. not all people with mental illness are monsters.

"What's with this creepy obsession with avoiding condoms I wonder? It seems to be a common thread."

You know what's annoying about the vaccines cause autism line? Anti-vaxxers act like autism is a fate worse than death. I mean, obviously, no one wants their kid to have to face a word that is not kind to neuro-atypical people and I know that it is a spectrum with more difficulties on one end than on the other, but

They had something about this on CBS This Morning. They gave equal value/time to the statements from the people who said they didn't think vaccinating was a good idea because reasons.

You know, as a male feminist, I was interested by this:

"he described his infatuation with power dynamics as a fetish"

Oy, this is terrifying and depressing, and the phenomenon of 'macktivists' seems to be getting more and more prevalent as feminism has been getting more mainstream attention. I recently got an Okcupid message from a guy who went on about being a feminist, then made a rape joke in his questions. When I pointed this out

I have never experienced assault at the hands of a male feminist, but I have experienced Macktivism for sure. I only trust men who listen more than they talk about feminism (in a conversation with women), who are feminist in actions but not necessarily name. I look for nuances in conversation, reactions to real world

I really despise comments like this. They're patronising and asinine. There have been articles on fashion on io9 since I started reading the site and that was in 2009.

Acording to the (slightly outdated, but latest) masthead "io9 is a daily publication that covers science, culture, and the world of tomorrow" and this fits under culture and futurism.