
I want to ask conservatives why they jack off to the idea of restraining other people’s rights, but then I realized a) because it gets them off and b) they would clutch their pearls that you suggest they mastrubate (then they’d try to take away more of your rights and then lock themselves in the bathroom for a while

Okay, so IMDB says she’s in 5 episodes of Secret Invasion, so maybe flashbacks?

Piracy is basically a moral imperative at this point. Not to avoid paying for things, but to make sure some things just don’t disappear from the world entirely because a shitty company wants a tax write-off.

Now all I can think of is that the local Taco Trucks are all obviously ex Fed-Ex vans and think that they would be running up your form of an Odometer quicker than Fedex ever could.

I am laughing more at the dogs

I thought it was great. WAY better than discovery or Picard. 

It’s almost like the guys in charge don’t give a shit about great art or even straightforward entertainment.

Especially when it seems like Trek is the only thing anyone watches on Paramount+ anyway. 


At least they're encouraging newer generations to pirate shows. 

It feels really weird to cut out a Trek show when Trek is getting a revival of sorts. 

It says a lot about our fucked up tax laws that it is cheaper for companies to make a show like this or Snowpiercer or Batwoman and never release it than it is to just release it. Especially when we are in the middle of a writers strike and the pool of new content has to be drying up.

Ferris Bueller’s Off Day

That’s exactly what I would think. Who sees a FedEx truck and thinks “only driven to church and back”.

And keep a rip of them stored locally and in the cloud. 

So - that’s broadly true, but not always.

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure ALL the consoles are sold at a loss and always have been. Probably with a handful of exceptions.

I feel like that was true 20 years ago but these days, indie devs have so many more avenues for exposure. There are plenty of small publishers (Devolver, Team17, Kepler, Humble, Annapurna, Coffee Stain, Playstack, etc) constantly searching for indie games to sign. Online events like Steam Next Fest and IGN Summer of

I feel like the various PAX’s have largely replaced E3. I always see lots of announcements of new games whenever they have one.

its been going downhill for a long time. when i worked in the industry we got the free passes every year and the halls were pretty empty by the last in person one.