Bah. Thought this was a story about a Pontiac LeMans. That’d be one hell of a video to watch. Also one hell of an explanation would be in order.
Bah. Thought this was a story about a Pontiac LeMans. That’d be one hell of a video to watch. Also one hell of an explanation would be in order.
Unless you had a convertable it was exactly the same from the firewall back. In Japan it was called the Celica XX until the mk 3 I think. I had an ‘85 Supra.
I owned a mint condition ‘85 one of those. It’s a Celica with a longer front lol. Underpowered by today’s standards. 0-60 in 9.5 seconds. And getting parts to fix it will cost you the same as repairing a Lamborghini in 2024.
I wonder: Does Elon count tweeting as work?
It seems like a way to add diversity to the cast while also pissing off half the fan base. Par for the course for current-phase Marvel films these days. Fantastic Four has failed basically every time they’ve made it into a film, so I have low expectations.
I watched on the mid-day syndication runs in the 1980s/90s as a child. It’s great, I wish it were on somewhere that I consume media. The 1980s is where everyone’s parents seem to get divorced, so mom could relate a lot to the women on that show. Jane Curtain is a comedy legend who doesn’t get enough recognition, IMHO. …
Ted Cruz will always have death threats sent in to him, just like most congress people. There’s no “if” about it. This is the “protect me amendment, but written to include 99 other people so that it doesn’t look like this is the Protect Ted in Airports” rider.
Red Letter Media on Youtube did a pretty fair assessment of how Sony Pictures leaned hard into the Alt-right man-boys were disparaging the movie before it came out. (kinja seems to be messing with the link. at least this site still has a comment section for now.) They (Sony) were also selectively sampling the negative…
They took a beloved franchise, said “we want to do our own thing and ignore what people enjoyed. Also, these ladies are GREAT at improvising!” Doing your own thing is fine. Improv is hilarious sometimes! Ignoring the previous movie that MADE your franchise? That seems stupid.
2 words: Mario Hotel
I’m honestly shocked that the game is available now. Seems like Konami missed a golden opportunity to shoot itself in the foot, like canceling the game days before launch and then reusing the art assets in it’s next Pachinko game. Releasing an actual good follow up for one of their properties is a very anti-Konami…
Next season on True Detective
I recognize your strong feelings. I don’t feel that way but a) you have valid points and b) I have whatever mental thing it is where I get super angry and complain about things that others find arbitrary sometimes. I wish there was a pill for it. I think it drives people away.
About Dead or Alive: You didn’t specifically mention the breast physics or the setting in options that controlled “breast bounce” or whatever it was. I think the first game just called it “age” or something. At the time I assumed it was my age, now it’s hard to know if it was that or some sort of sag factor, in which…
100% correct. Replying to you instead of the previous poster because I can’t star your reply hard enough.
I remember backing Lara into a corner to mess with the camera angle so I could stare at “boobs” which, at the time, were more of a symbolic representation of breasts than actual breasts. Polygons so shapely I should have had my eyes gouged out by them. Then again I was 18 and had no idea how to “talk to girls”, in…
AI? How would you kno - Oh. Hi SHODAN. Nevermind.
Tetris is my favorite place to go when society makes me hate existing.
No mention of the game being named by an AI whose prompt was “I need something that looks like a pronounceable word, 11 letters”?
Just looked up OnLive, whose name I had forgotten, which was letting me stream one of the Lego Batman games on my first android phone somewhere around 2012-2014. That feels like a long time for beta.