
I’ve collected Transformers since the early 1980s when I was 5 and got my first Diaclone before they were released state side. I’ve never liked the “realistic” style of robot that Michael Bay embraced for the movies, they look like piles of metal garbage. I’ve watched them but between how hard it is to look at the

Gross. Half of the stuff I order comes from China anyway, and we already have two companies that do this stuff. Why do we need a third? Amazon could waste this money on another bad streaming show like Lord of the Rings and it would be a much better investment.

It’s not TV. It’s HBO... unless it’s Max. Or if it’s HBOMax. Or if it’s a Max show that has less of a budget than an HBO show, which used to mean a high budget show but now can also be a lower budget show. Or sometimes it’s canceled right as you’re getting into. But whatever it is... please watch it at the current

Came here to say exactly this. Take your star!

If they force the AI enhancement or remove the free tier I will not only trash all my Alexa devices, I will extracate myself from Amazon’s ecosystem entirely. I’d consider it a breech of trust.

Black Mirror’s 2nd season had one about a guy that died and he was replaced by an AI that could make phone calls, but then it progressed to a guy she could rehydrate in a tub and it was sort of like an android that was like the dead guy. It was sad with a few uplifting parts. 

The US Horizon Bank thing feels very Black Mirror episode quality. My family drives me nuts. I’d give them pictures of people I like. Or porn stars I’m into.

Oh good. Testing it out just in time for a rollout before US elections. I’m sure no one will figure out how to misuse those.

I don’t want hyper-personalized SHOW and MOVIE content. I want to be able to watch the shows and movies everyone else also watched. Shared media experiences are why everyone reading this knows what the Mona Lisa is without me having to go find an image and insert it. References to things matter, it’s part of how we

“...we have captured many learnings ...

I love the blurb about “lived experience” that was on the front page for this article! It made me lol.

Bah. Thought this was a story about a Pontiac LeMans. That’d be one hell of a video to watch. Also one hell of an explanation would be in order.

I’m torn here. I get that Youtube has to make money to maintain the hosting infrastructure it has in place, but at the same time, each person viewing videos is giving away personal data based on their video preferences, which Google is either monetizing or using for their own research. I don’t want to see ads on

Well said. Not the time to try to convince people that masks don’t work or that vaccines are dangerous. This makes me angry with my own country’s government, and for once Cheetolini is not the only one at fault.

If they don’t hire Jenny Nicholson to make sure the new addition has the heart and spirit of Disney behind it, then it’s going to be hot garbage.

...and nothing of value was lost.

It would be cool to know how it compares head-to-head on some games like the one in the article picture. I haven’t updated my VR equipment in a long time, and if I wanted to try something new it would be good to know how it stacks up.

Unless you had a convertable it was exactly the same from the firewall back. In Japan it was called the Celica XX until the mk 3 I think. I had an ‘85 Supra.

I owned a mint condition ‘85 one of those. It’s a Celica with a longer front lol. Underpowered by today’s standards. 0-60 in 9.5 seconds. And getting parts to fix it will cost you the same as repairing a Lamborghini in 2024.

“Life, Itself” brings Discovery to a close in an earnest, if messy manner, to remind us that nobody’s perfect, least of all Star Trek: Discovery.