
Trump wants you as a speechwriter!

I mean, I generally agree, but imagine a scenario where a corrupt politician called up a few friends at the police station and convinced them to detain enough of his political rivals to sway a vote in their favor. In a hypothetical 51-49 scenario, three legislators missing the vote could easily change the result. 

What are you, some kind of history scientist?

Zero surprise.

This is the most egregious case of government, uh, reach, I’ve ever seen!

What’s really sad is that this is, apparently, the best that Arizona can elect.

We’re not making it to that Tricentennial.

I’ve collected Transformers since the early 1980s when I was 5 and got my first Diaclone before they were released state side. I’ve never liked the “realistic” style of robot that Michael Bay embraced for the movies, they look like piles of metal garbage. I’ve watched them but between how hard it is to look at the

Gross. Half of the stuff I order comes from China anyway, and we already have two companies that do this stuff. Why do we need a third? Amazon could waste this money on another bad streaming show like Lord of the Rings and it would be a much better investment.

It’s not TV. It’s HBO... unless it’s Max. Or if it’s HBOMax. Or if it’s a Max show that has less of a budget than an HBO show, which used to mean a high budget show but now can also be a lower budget show. Or sometimes it’s canceled right as you’re getting into. But whatever it is... please watch it at the current

Amazon, that’s your current store too.  Minus the discount that is.

Christian nationalism needs to be stamped out by any means possible. It’s a very real threat to our democracy and the American way of life we enjoy. 

But I can’t vote for Biden because _____.”

That executive may think that there's a value in having two separate brands, but it's not a distinction that literally anyone cares about or recognizes, so the benefits are pretty questionable.

I admire your optimism.

Never mind all that, I want Zaslav to come back and pontificate more on the differences between girl viewers and boy viewers.

HBO had just one thing going for it as a streaming service: its brand.

Honestly this! If this magic key is so powerful, it needs to be managed accordingly with multiple levels of security logging. That someone could just leave it out on a table is a massive failure on multiple levels.

The numbskull that abandoned the fob should also be arrested.

I know the only thing keeping me from watching CNN all the time is how difficult it is to get access to it. I’m constantly forgetting their web address, and for some reason Youtube only plays videos of kittens sleeping, no matter how loudly I yell at it to show me CNN.