Trump wants you as a speechwriter!
Trump wants you as a speechwriter!
I mean, I generally agree, but imagine a scenario where a corrupt politician called up a few friends at the police station and convinced them to detain enough of his political rivals to sway a vote in their favor. In a hypothetical 51-49 scenario, three legislators missing the vote could easily change the result.
What are you, some kind of history scientist?
Zero surprise.
This is the most egregious case of government, uh, reach, I’ve ever seen!
What’s really sad is that this is, apparently, the best that Arizona can elect.
Bah. Thought this was a story about a Pontiac LeMans. That’d be one hell of a video to watch. Also one hell of an explanation would be in order.
Not insane at all; the people buying them these days spend 10s of thousands of dollars supporting an overt fascist, and are perfectly fine with it, as he is being a fascist in public. That excuse of yours does not work anymore.
It’s the new overt fascist-mobile.
Owning a Tesla has come very close to being synonymous to wearing a certain red hat in public. Also red hats hate electric cars.
Nailed it.
I’ve said before that Tesla’s biggest advantage was the Supercharger network, but since that’s been opened up to anyone, people who want an EV are no longer funneled to Tesla.
Unless you had a convertable it was exactly the same from the firewall back. In Japan it was called the Celica XX until the mk 3 I think. I had an ‘85 Supra.
I owned a mint condition ‘85 one of those. It’s a Celica with a longer front lol. Underpowered by today’s standards. 0-60 in 9.5 seconds. And getting parts to fix it will cost you the same as repairing a Lamborghini in 2024.
Shame it was bog slow. I also liked the next gen of Supras. Side note, I owned a 85 Celica GT that looked about the same from the front wheels back minus the spoiler.
1-star airlines have 1-star passengers.
The people who want to walk around naked are almost never the people you want to see walking around naked.
Honestly I feel bad for the poor employees of NCL. Because even if you are ok with everyone around you being naked (lets be clear, a lot of people are not ok with that) the ship is not going to be filled with Scandinavian supermodels. It’s going to be full of a lot of people who’ve spent too much time at the buffet or…
I wonder: Does Elon count tweeting as work?
I know the only thing keeping me from watching CNN all the time is how difficult it is to get access to it. I’m constantly forgetting their web address, and for some reason Youtube only plays videos of kittens sleeping, no matter how loudly I yell at it to show me CNN.