In the hopes those dinguses at Konami might release a sequel collection with a way to play MGS4 that isn’t “use a PS3" or equivalent emulator, I’ve bought the collection.
I didn’t even try reading it. My brain saw it and mentally it was “Utilify” in my head until your comment forced me to actually read the word.
Someone that is a person and deserves to be treated with the same respect you’d want if someone very passive-aggressively says something about you to someone else instead of addresses you directly. And she was on SNL.
Hard disagree on that B. I felt like most of the skits fell flat. The LiveFromNewYork subreddit also seemed to agree there. Lots of very weak sketches, and Emma Stone deserved a better episode than what she got.
I had to go back and rewatch the hatch scene on Sunday morning, specifically for that reason!
I’ll just outright say it: you’re trying to say piracy. If you buy something digitally, it seems like you should be justified in retaining a backup copy for this very reason.
“You IDIOTS just aren’t enjoying the game the RIGHT way. JEEZ.” - Bethesda Softworks
Nothing a self-inflicted shotgun wound wouldn’t fix.
The Alien Ant Farm “Smooth Criminal” cover was great. I agree with some of this list, but you won’t change my mind on that one.
This is going to be my third negative post of the morning, I maybe should have some coffee first. But these short “teasers” make me more frustrated than if they’d just shut up about it until they had actual trailers to show.
This whole thing, and the linked article from Polygon make me feel good about missing the entire series, both manga and anime. I’ll continue to skip it.
I think “preservation” means “ability to obtain and play the games legally.”
I only ever buy used and am on a 2010 Ford at the moment. Sun visors are gone? That almost seems like a safety hazard, as well as physical control buttons being gone. Not looking forward to my next used car purchase.
People are going to have their own opinions on whether it’s ok to do that or not. It’s a fictional country. But I know enough about the cultural sensitivities from my (not even sure if everyone would consider that name ok now) “black studies” class in college to know that even if some folks are ok with a white person…
I gave you a star for the mouthwash comment. *chef’s kiss*
You did a great job posting about the announcement of a new open world sandbox game that depicts illicit stories and subject matter, and I appreciate that.
I know this isn’t the root, and I’ve been relegated to the grays over at jalopnik, but if someone finds that that knows, could you tell me why the discussion section is gone from I’ve been doing google searches but can’t find squat about it. Is it permanent like Deadspin’s missing discussion section or is…
I came to post the same thing as Knyte. Don’t preorder stuff.
I came to post the same thing as Knyte. Don’t preorder stuff.
The MJ cosplay is great. The D-walker is insane and I want one pls.