
This is frustrating. The price tag is the generally-considered reason for it’s cancelation. Those of us who enjoyed the show are pissed that it didn’t get to conclude. It was planned to be a 5-season arc; the fact that they spent so much, already paid the actors, and had the season planned out made it especially

Linux kind of sucks. It can’t run a lot of Windows programs, but it is free, and it’s not tracking you or trying to sell you things like Windows 11. It’s gotten to the point where I have to use Windows 11 for work, but at home the only thing I’m using Windows for is my steam gaming computer. Everything else goes on a

That’s incredible and a testament to how well the probe was engineered and built. I would fathom a guess that a lot of folks that designed those probes are now dead and the people that engineered the software rescue were born after it was launched?

I’ll give them $200 for one, firm. Apple, lmk if interested, you have my contact details and presumably all sorts of other data about me.

I’m going have to remember to figure out how to short sell some WB stock this year.

Sorry, Disney needs to maximize shareholder value while finding the max amount of BS that parkgoers will tolerate. Fixing the park just doesn’t fit that plan. Walt Disney would be pretty pissed if he saw what the parks devolved into.

It would be great if Discovery’s already-edited season could be scrapped for a nice tax break ala Max, and then if Paramount could take that season renewal they granted Discovery to Lower Decks so LD could have six seasons. I don’t understand why Paramount continues to greenlight crap and shit on the things the bulk

He was haggard and unshaven, looked more like Steve Bannon to me.

We don’t need more reboots. we need new IP. If the old movie wasn’t watchable I get it. But it is.

Guess What? You Can Get Joycons Working on a Phone” - this is incorrect unless something significant has changed recently. You need a special receiver plugged in via USB-c dongle OR an app that introduces lag to get 2 Joycons to work as one controller on an Android device. The exception is RetroArch, which has a

Remember when CBS stood for CSI Broadcast Network?

May I suggest piracy? When there is no physical media, the best you can do is “find it” somewhere, and then make sure to backup your copies, because if it only exists digitally, once your hard disk and your backup are gone, your media is gone.

It seems like a way to add diversity to the cast while also pissing off half the fan base. Par for the course for current-phase Marvel films these days. Fantastic Four has failed basically every time they’ve made it into a film, so I have low expectations.

I had Christmas money and birthday money saved as a kid to buy this set, and I still have it, plus its instruction manual. I rebuild it every so often, it’s probably my favorite Lego thing I own besides the mindstorms stuff.

I haven’t gone to Windows 11 yet primarily because of how invasive it is, how many options it removes, and how full of telemetry it is (this is what we call when Microsoft spies on your data for fun and profit.) Sometimes when Windows 11 updates, it puts your default browser back to Edge, because they want your

At this point I have very low expectations for a Fantastic Four film. This gender-swap for Silver Surfer continues to keep them low. If they want to make a movie about different characters, different heroes, then ffs do that. Constantly doing the DEI thing with characters that have been in comics for decades is going

I really hope that Wolverine’s Australian accent from the cartoon shows up in the ‘97 cartoon. I watched that every chance I could in the pre-internet days, I had it recorded on a heavily-worn VHS tape, but part of it was cut off. I had no idea Wolverine wasn’t Australian until much later. Imagine my confusion when

So now that they are done with it, what will they do with it? I put my Gunpla in their boxes to be stored and to keep dust off of them. I’m guessing that’s not an option for them.

I watched on the mid-day syndication runs in the 1980s/90s as a child. It’s great, I wish it were on somewhere that I consume media. The 1980s is where everyone’s parents seem to get divorced, so mom could relate a lot to the women on that show. Jane Curtain is a comedy legend who doesn’t get enough recognition, IMHO.