
I’m a Star Trek fan that absolutely hates musical theater and when non-scifi shows do musical episodes. This still makes me unreasonably angry that they did that in a Star Trek show. I don’t know why it just does. Kudos to people that like musicals, but it just felt extremely out of place. No amount of discussion will

Ted Cruz will always have death threats sent in to him, just like most congress people. There’s no “if” about it. This is the “protect me amendment, but written to include 99 other people so that it doesn’t look like this is the Protect Ted in Airports” rider.

This story needs some clarification. The details matter in this context. The article mentions “the family’s wishes” but so best as I can tell, she’s still alive and tweeting? It said something about no longer being able to speak, but is that actually the case?

Costume Design by Rob Liefeld

I have the utmost confidence that Paramount will continue to steer Star Trek into the ground at warp 9.997, and that any hits that emerge, such as Lower Decks, will be completely accidental, and that anything that is a runaway success, Alex Kurtzman will do his best to kill it or ruin it somehow. (See also: Prodigy,

I knew something was up when I was the top commenter on a story on a nationally-cited website. I’m not important enough to say anything important. That explains it.

OT to this OT post, but how do investment capital companies profit from driving once-profitable companies into the ground? It seems like what has happened to Toys R Us, Radio Shack and other companies I used to love and use the products for had this fate also.

Now playing

Red Letter Media on Youtube did a pretty fair assessment of how Sony Pictures leaned hard into the Alt-right man-boys were disparaging the movie before it came out. (kinja seems to be messing with the link. at least this site still has a comment section for now.) They (Sony) were also selectively sampling the negative

They took a beloved franchise, said “we want to do our own thing and ignore what people enjoyed. Also, these ladies are GREAT at improvising!” Doing your own thing is fine. Improv is hilarious sometimes! Ignoring the previous movie that MADE your franchise? That seems stupid.

Update: DoorDash caught the error about 12 hours later. They credited me for the order. I appreciate them doing that. I will try again this weekend and post an update!

Not that windy today that I noticed, but I work in IT, so it’s not like they let me out of the dungeon that often.

Will do!

I’d do that but there are cars and the 6 lane area is dangerous to cross. Also, I’m incredibly fat and lazy. I’m America’s stereotype.


Update: 23 minutes after the delivery should have happened, an hour after I ordered, a person dropped off the food. I asked what happened, the driver had no idea. Given the state of the Wendy’s most days, I figure they were busy and understaffed. No idea what happened with Wing. This was a disappointing experience.

I live within that delivery zone. When I go to the Wendy’s near the Wing drone place (an alphabet or google company? can’t remember) that Wendys can take a half hour using the drive through. I’m going to try ordering it edit: RIGHT NOW and see if it takes the same amount of time for a drone delivery. If it does I’ll

The quality of this is so amazing. I didn’t think that animation this colorful and detailed existed back then. I hope they do some sort of release officially - I’d buy it.

Godzilla Minus One was so good. I almost don’t want to go see this new movie now because it’s not going to be on the same level. I really loved Monarch though, so maybe this will still be ok.

Chaya Raichik seems to be human garbage.