
Tetris is my favorite place to go when society makes me hate existing. 

$5 million? Oh good, every prime subscriber can receive 5 hundredths of a penny once the payout rolls in. Wait, forgot lawyer’s fees. I’ll owe $0.30.

No mention of the game being named by an AI whose prompt was “I need something that looks like a pronounceable word, 11 letters”?

Predator Vs Studio Heads

This is the reason that a) I’ve cancelled Max and b) will pirate their content for the foreseeable future, if they managed to produce good scripted work going forward. Fuck Discovery WB and any profits they generate under this steaming turd of a CEO.

What a terrible and flawed premise. I like the stories in movies, in part, because the good ones get you to care about the characters. I couldn’t give a flying f*ck about a football, basketball, or other sportsball player unless I knew them. I don’t care about their dumb teams’ “story” either. The teams that are owned

Christopher Nolan can tell audiences “how” to take his films, but audiences largely won’t listen except maybe a few people that want to go back and suffer through Tenent another time. He makes films, they get released, and then people are going to take his films with their own interpretations.

Just looked up OnLive, whose name I had forgotten, which was letting me stream one of the Lego Batman games on my first android phone somewhere around 2012-2014. That feels like a long time for beta.

Xbox rose from the ashes of the Dreamcast. This is the first volley of Microsoft going all-software. They’re on a Sega trajectory.

Laws for thee but not for me.

Spoken like someone that was born 20 years ago or less. Go to youtube and look up Star Wars anything from the late 1970s. Yes, Trek was something that took a while for society to realize had a fanbase, but Star Wars had one from the first week or so it was out.

The only two character names I can remember are Jake Sully and Unobtainium, and the last one isn’t a character.

The first and fourth films also had the element that truly made them a Michael Crichton story: Theme Parks full of dangerous shit that goes off the rails in unexpected (well, unplanned for) ways.

Amateur limbs also. (I’m just noticing homophone puns work less well when written.)

Canceled Max because of Zaslav’s bullshit decisions, this was a major contributor to it. I hope he dies in a fire and Max tanks all its associated tv networks.

I heard they need a winter caretaker. That nice whiskey collection gets removed before they close down for the winter, so you might need to bring your own.

The benefits for Prime have become less defined to me lately. It used to be two-day shipping on most items, but starting during holiday seasons several years before COVID, the 2-day shipping benefit stretched to 5 or 7 days, like normal shipping. These days I find that I rarely get my orders two days after I place

It ABSOLUTELY DOES matter that it was private. As another commenter pointed out, you could go to an airport, send dozens of private messages over wifi, and bop out flash-mob style, and cause tens of F-18s to scramble based on this charge. The governments are moronic for publishing this. All you have to do is

I encourage you to cancel your subscription. I have and have enjoyed not paying it more than I enjoyed forgetting to find something on Netflix to watch.

Jetfire was one of a series of G1 transformers that were from another toyline. Hasbro’s Transformers were mostly made up of the Diaclone and Micromaster toylines from Takara in Japan (I may have that second name wrong, but I know Diaclone is correct). However, they also got the Roy Fokker Valkyrie toy from Macross