
This is very common and frustrating in the world of retro handhelds. If you want the full 16 button, two joystick pad of a PlayStation Dual shock, you’re better off buying one of the many Chinese retro handhelds from Anbernic or Retroid OR recycling smartphone into something that is deactivated and in airplane mode,

Good luck finding a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 board. They sell out as fast as they are listed when they are produced and sent to distributors. You have to go to a website that posts stock updates to all the major retailers and set up an alert, OR check it daily. The foundation seems to not be very keen on making and selling

I think we need a period catchphrase for this movie. How about “Search the web!” ? Lacks some zing though.

I’d consider paying to NOT have AI integrated.

“I’d rather not answer that.” lol. That’s what I got when I asked her to spell it.

“Alexa, play Jeopardy!” is fun. They killed World Detective, which was like a 3-5 clue Carmen Sandiego game. I was super disappointed with that.

Yeah!?! What bold text? and what in there is new? That seems to me like the same disclaimer that has been there since forever.

I feel like I’m the only person I know that tried to watch the show and didn’t really enjoy it. It just wasn’t what I was looking for entertainment-wise. My best friend really liked it though, and I hate that it was cancelled for their sake. HBO Max sucks at this point. It’s hard to watch it and enjoy anything on it

Disappointing news. The show was funny and entertaining. I hope it gets a physical release so I can enjoy it once Disney puts it in the “Disney Vault” or whatever they’ll call it when it eventually gets delisted.

It feels like AI stuff is turning google search into garbage more and more frequently. Google is the top search banana. If I had to think about when I used something else to search I have to go back in my mind to last century, 1998 or 1999. The only other useful search engine is Bing right? And then there are the ones

I’m guessing this sort of “Watch <X> features on <Y> streaming service!” slideshows are how the few of you that are still employed at GMG are able to pay the bills. I subscribed to shudder because of this one. I hope you aren’t replaced by AI and the other comment sections on the sister sites continue to stay intact.

I hope George Carlin’s daughter can sue that podcast for all the profits they get from that special.

One of the discontinued features is playing audio)books from Google Play Books with your voice. If Amazon cuts that feature from Alexa I’m gonna get pissed because that’s one of my most-used features.

Watch on Peacock.

I’d love to see the tone and setting of 1978 Battlestar redone/updated, for the Cylons to stay robots, and for one of the kids on the show to get a giant robot dog.

Hopefully he’s using investor money to do this, not his own personal wealth, or he’ll die poor lying in the streets, Edgar Allan Poe style. Very few startup online communities have long-term staying power, especially when part of what they need to do is license IP that companies want gobs of money for.

live-action D+ shows” - for a second I thought you were giving the Marvel TV shows a bad grade. The only Disney+ series that has earned a D+ so far was “Secret Invasion” (It gets the + for the cast, who are wonderful actors who couldn’t change the writing or directing.)

Godzilla was great. I was going for monster-stomping-Tokyo-action but what I got was a drama and I almost teared up in spots, which I was not expecting, but it was really good. I hope it wins some stuff.

In the hopes those dinguses at Konami might release a sequel collection with a way to play MGS4 that isn’t “use a PS3" or equivalent emulator, I’ve bought the collection.

Horse people are crazy. (Based opinion, I know.)