
How does this affect Chromium and Chromium-based browsers like Edge and Brave?

If Florida got put in charge of the United States the national bird would be the Meth Gator.

I’m not able to tell if you’re a Russian troll or someone that only gets their news from PatriotTruthEagle.gun. The fact that there are enough people out there like you that refuse to acknowledge what truth is versus what fiction is bothers me, and it’s why a movie like this has some heft to it. I hope Trump gets

Pacing and plot wise, even if you edit out the giant kaiju, it has a very compelling and heart-string-tugging story. I went to see it a second time as soon as my theater got out the first go-round, because I’m not used to sub-titles and wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any part of the story. I recommended it to a

There was no plan. I refuse to believe it based on the haphazard storytelling.

I didn’t even try reading it. My brain saw it and mentally it was “Utilify” in my head until your comment forced me to actually read the word.

Someone that is a person and deserves to be treated with the same respect you’d want if someone very passive-aggressively says something about you to someone else instead of addresses you directly. And she was on SNL.

The In-Theater Tay-Tay may have actually hurt it if people didn’t want to do multiple sittings in one weekend. Haven’t heard that one a lot but it does track and make good sense. I personally felt the lack of stars out doing the talk show circuit before the film also was a bad move. Once Taylor announced when her

Hard disagree on that B. I felt like most of the skits fell flat. The LiveFromNewYork subreddit also seemed to agree there. Lots of very weak sketches, and Emma Stone deserved a better episode than what she got.

I had to go back and rewatch the hatch scene on Sunday morning, specifically for that reason!

Secret Invasion: WOOF. I love Samuel L. Jackson. This was the first project of his I felt like even his presence couldn’t save. I don’t know who thought they had a winner with that plot but they need to be removed from making choices about plot direction in the future. I just saw a few episodes of Slow Horses on

A buddy gave me an Iron Man comic in 6th grade (1990) and I have been reading those books on and off ever since. I never assumed I’d see an Iron Man movie, and I thought of him as an obscure super hero because prior to being gifted that comic book, I had never heard of him.

I’d like to counter what Formedras said here; I’ve used MAME on an arcade machine I built and had no end of headaches from using it. I’d recommend retroarch with a front end like Emulation Station.

I can’t believe how expensive Sega Master System controllers like the one at the top of this article are. Go look on ebay; it’s insane.

Also, it doesn’t come with at least 15 non-staff Lego minifigs, one to be the dead body, 13 to be murder suspects, and one to figure out who the murderer is? Hard pass.

I’ll just outright say it: you’re trying to say piracy. If you buy something digitally, it seems like you should be justified in retaining a backup copy for this very reason.

“Captain Marvel” did well at the box office despite being poorly written. It had really good marketing. “The Marvels” barely seemed to have any marketing from what I could tell. This story was miles above the first movie despite being shorter, and the film was well done. (I’m not sure what janky edits you might have

Ah. I think you meant if they could have gotten Iman Vellani on to the talk show circuit. I agree with that.

I cancelled my Prime membership when they announced that it would become standard for ads to show up in Prime stuff unless you paid for a “premium” tier. Between that and canceling The Peripheral before the show finished, I’m kind of done with Prime Video. 

“You IDIOTS just aren’t enjoying the game the RIGHT way. JEEZ.” - Bethesda Softworks