
I used to pay $35 a year for Evernote, and I could maybe have gone up to $50 a year for it. I was charged $135 last month, unexpectedly on my part, because they eliminated the tier I had been paying for and automatically “upgraded me” to the new plan. $14.99/month is more than a lot of services for a lot of other

OneNote, which “does exist” is tied to Microsoft, a company which lots of folks wouldn’t want to pay a subscription to. It’s got problems with the web based version not searching multiple note books in the web interface. Also, even if you do get some storage space for “free”, we’ve seen how Microsoft handles the free

Where is my Shin Godzilla sequel? No love for Googly Eyes Black Dragon?

“I was reading about Pal-”

The news, reported by Deadline, follows yesterday’s announcement that Barrera was no longer a part of the cast. However, the trade notes that Ortega leaving the film was previously discussed before the strikes, and that “a script for Scream VII is not ready yet, and the Primetime Emmy nominee has to head to Ireland

I enjoyed it and will buy this bluray set. I didn’t like how the the Doctor Strange film that came out right after this series negated any character growth she experienced on that show, and what it did with her character.

Its too bad there was no clause in the Sony-Marvel contract that stated that if Sony created movies that actively-devalue the Spider-man Franchise, the movie rights revert to Marvel.

Sometimes a movie comes out and is good and compelling. You don’t have all the details filled in about what happened before, outside the movie’s story, but they allude to it. The movie does well on it’s own and becomes popular.

Just putting this here for Justin: On his IMDB Page, both shows you mention started in ‘66. 

That sounds gross. No thanks.

A sentient canoe, made of douche bags.

Nothing a self-inflicted shotgun wound wouldn’t fix.

The Alien Ant Farm “Smooth Criminal” cover was great. I agree with some of this list, but you won’t change my mind on that one.

Here here. RIP Jezebel.

Don’t get me wrong. I really hope that happens. I’d love to see what Batwoman was, even if bad. And I’d love to see this animated/live action hybrid, even if it’s as bad as the Tom and Jerry movie that came out a few years ago with Colin Jost and Chloe Grace Moretz. However, the criminal civil trial financial penalty r

This is going to be my third negative post of the morning, I maybe should have some coffee first. But these short “teasers” make me more frustrated than if they’d just shut up about it until they had actual trailers to show.

This whole thing, and the linked article from Polygon make me feel good about missing the entire series, both manga and anime. I’ll continue to skip it.

This article, despite it’s positive slant, does not give me hope for a good Marvel film based on what I’ve seen in the past. It sounds like it may be trying to do the same thing the last film did, which is to ride a wave of “girls get it done” to the box office. The twitter reviews that are not fully positive (even

It’s too bad they couldn’t put anything on the ballot to actually un-fuck their power grid situation. It feels like if you live in Texas you are purchasing your power in a rent-to-own situation, or from a payday lender.

If there were a lower tier subscription that just blocked ads but didn’t have the “premium” features they want to add (youtube created shows and content, youtube music) I’d be more willing to consider paying for it. (I did pay for YouTube premium until the price started going up.) Right now plenty of ad block stuff