
This seems about as stupid as the weird shifter in the GMC Terrain. I wasn’t aware of that shifter until my cousin came to town recently and rented one, and her comment about it was “I was constantly afraid of that thing.”

Typo in line under headline: the first occurence of “you” should be the word “out”. This sort of thing gets me too, sometimes. I usually catch it by reading what I write out loud before I hit submit/publish.

Came here to say this also. 

“Die, zombie, die!” is German for “The zombie, the.”

The Bubsy Movie: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The way the basketball players reacted shows a lack of self-control and maturity on their part. Regardless of mistakes the First Lady made, they chose to gripe very publicly about something that is a privilege (being invited to the White House when your team wins the big game) when someone merely suggested they were

Yeah. Stop torrenting. Find video hosted on the web on websites that have a download button. Problem solved.

Thank goodness 3DS and Wii U are extremely easy to pirate for.

Did they ever get the 3rd person option in there? or did a good 3rd person mod come out?

That was also a thing that was done until they stopped allowing returns of new games. In 1999, you had 7 days to return a new game and could get a refund. Someone sued the company for selling a “new” game that had been returned within the 7 day window, so then GameStop stopped allowing new games to be returned.

That is true, we did do that so we could tell customers what the games were like, especially with big releases. So I guess in that sense you are correct, I hadn’t thought about that part of it in a while (in my defense it has been 14 years since my last shift.)

My second shift at GameStop was 9/9/1999, Dreamcast launch day, and my last shift was sometime in 2009. They’ve always had metrics to sell x things to customers (magazine subscriptions, when I started it was ‘multiple sales transactions’ - did they get a game? see if they want the strategy guide for 15% off, a deal

Those are “gut” copies. I worked there for 10 years. They have to be able to put a case on the shelf so you can look at the game’s box, read the back, yada. BUT they can’t leave a $50-60 new game in the box lest someone steal the game in the box. Their solution is to keep the disk from the display box (the gut copy)

I paid $10 to check out Crimesight this weekend, long story, needed a distraction. I don’t like social games and the single player, bot only tutorials feel like they have enough replay value that if Konami’s dev team would have spent the 10-15 minutes to set the game so that the online component was dead but you could

I mean, when I played through, when I got to that reveal, I understood also. Part of me was holding on to hope for Isaac’s sake, because I guess as a terminally single 45 year old adult I wanted to hope there was a chance for them.

Put in a SPOILER WARNING. Not everyone has played or seen this game or knows what to expect. Spoiling what is going on with Nicole can ruin someone’s $60 new game experience.

The look that she gave the camera after she put her floppster on the desk made me go follow her on Twitch. Plus the beats. Master Class in how to handle that sort of comment.

also “Poochie died on the way back to his home planet.”

“virtue signaling” I think you mean. I super hate our governor here in Va.

This. You write good.