So what they do now is put product links in their sentences, so when you see that, it’s your ad-blocker dutifully protecting you from the “G/O may get commission” links.
So what they do now is put product links in their sentences, so when you see that, it’s your ad-blocker dutifully protecting you from the “G/O may get commission” links.
(For those that failed to get the joke: I took the thing the author said in the post, added extra letters the way AI generated art seems to do with teeth, lips/jaws, and fingers, and then pasted it. It’s mind boggling to me that people thought I was serious lol.)
Thaank youu.
AI art is actuallly great, people who create it using prompts are artists and automation is just a natural part of civililization and technolology.
I came ready to grump on this list, but I have to say I agree with the ones I have played and own, and that makes me think the ones I skipped or don’t know about are worth checking out. Good work!
I’m glad they are beating themselves to death to fix this now. It will make me feel a lot better in a few months/years when it finally breaks the $20 sale price I need a 14 hour game to get to so I can justify buying it.
Also, when does he become Old Joc or Washed-up Joc?
Straight to the point.
I’m talking about out.
Front Mission 1st did not come out in the US in 2003 for PlayStation. Front Mission 3 is the only Front Mission game that came out for the original PlayStation in our region. (I worked at Software Etc. and GameStop during that time frame, and I would own it if it did.)
<replied to wrong thread>
ROUTINE?!? That was announced back in 2012. I just did a “search” on Kotaku for routine. It came back with no results. I looked at the tag for the game. The articles are from the 2010s. This is why I hate these shit videos instead of articles. No clickable links, less verifiable details. At least at one point if I saw…
Glad to see Kmart’s Revengers still makes news sites. I should install it and see if it is any more memorable than when I tried it last time.
Unicorn Centibot! Oh the horror! (barf sounds)
Are you sure that wasn’t just a regular copy of Alien 3?
Maybe I’m just weird but I love that stuff?
The expression on this streamer’s face in the thumbnail lets me know I have no interest in clicking on the play button or watching his stream. You play the game. If you suck, get better. I watche FaZe Kalei sometimes. I don’t know exactly what I make of her but she seems kind of neat so I keep going back to her…
My plan was to wait for it to go on sale in several years since I’ve got Bayonetta 1 & 2 and haven’t bothered to play through either of them yet. For that matter, I have a game called “Bullet Witch” for Xbox 360 that I never played either. Since there are a lot of other people besides the VA that go into making the…
Why is this on AV Club instead of Kotaku?
Wow, very solid response and well written. I remember now that at first I was a bit skeptical since that was my first exposure to GN, but I wound up being disappointed with NewEgg over the whole course of events.