
You win for best comment. Take your star.

I really enjoyed this series of games. I miss them. Might just dust off the DC and play since I have this afternoon off. VROOM.

Could someone explain or expound about “Gamers Nexus” to me? There was a recent controversy prior to this one that he was involved in, he tried to surprise a company by not announcing he would be there, something about the way he did it rubbed me the wrong way, I felt like both he and the company were a little

If Childish Donald Glover didn’t come back I’d be fine with that.

The thing is if I ordered an Adult Happy Meal at McDonalds and got a Happy Meal sized “Adult Toy” I’m guessing it would be like, one-third to one-eighth the size of a normal one, and, um. No.


What country?

I really hope people dig into this worthless person’s privacy and just strew everything out there. She deserves that at a minimum considering the sorts of crap she spews and the cancer she’s been on the country’s institution of government. Not to mention any sort of criminal conspiracy charges that may have been

Please make this happen. I’d rather watch that 1000x more than anything that happens in the midterm election.

About that pronunciation:

(Pardon my foul mouth in this. I’m mad and hate that Tara Rule is being made to suffer like this.) This is appalling. This is stuff that a few years ago was in the Handmaid’s Tale and was “purposefully ludicrous fiction” and now is demonstrable fuckery. As a follower of Christ, I can tell you Jesus didn’t come down

The manager is officially told to destroy the merch. If they got caught giving it away they could get fired.

Went and tracked down the twitch stream for G4, it’s g4tv if anyone was interested, and one of the first streamable videos is for “attack of the show” which was the bastardized relaunch of “The Screen Savers”, one of the shows I enjoyed on Tech TV. It made me remember why I disliked most of the changes that came along

Johnny, Johnny! Are you ok? Do you smell burning toast? What year is it? Who is the president? (aside, to wife: “Honey! What’s that acronym for a stroke? FAST? I asked the boy what he was playing and he just started spewing a nonsense word slurry. Warm up the car. I think we need to get him to the ER.”)

I liked working there to tell parents about what was in the games, and to make sure they got their kids Halo 3 for 360 instead of Haze for PS3. I enjoyed steering people towards games I knew they would like, and away from crap. I also had a manager that let me do that. I don’t know what it’s like now, but I do miss

Best summation I’ve heard. Its what Radio Shack would have done if their management had any sense. Not that I like what happened to them. I’m an electronics hobbiest who laments not being able to buy transistors and LEDs at a store downtown these days. BUT I also worked in the GameStop mines for 10 years, and put up

I just hate the song “Hallelujah.” An ex-girlfriend told me it was beautiful because it was about sex. It was in Shrek for some reason. Some people think it’s a religious song. I just think it sounds creepy.

How would football fans feel about a return to the days of the Dreamcast era NFL 2k, Madden and (honestly I forget if there were any others) where the NFL would license to multiple developers and that way the consumers could pick what games to play? If they’d go back to that then if EA churns out a turd it would give

I understand your anger, but I have to agree a bit with the op.

Can’t wait for them to re-introduce all those Double Dash courses and the dual karts and... wait. They didn’t say anything about that did they?