
I wonder if it’s not just more Russian troll farms trying to spew disinformation into things. There’s this military action going on near their country right now that they probably don’t want us thinking about, anything to get us focused on other stuff would be nice.

I’m making a retropie setup since my new style tv can’t work with my light gun games. I spent part of today putting digitally backuped copies of games I own into a format that can load into my retropie build. I could also grab my sonic cartridges and do the same thing, and then I could just play all my sonic games in

I’ve purchased Shenzhen I/O for any of my friends and nieces/nephews with an interest in computer engineering. I hate to hear they are disbanding but I’m glad they are going to look for other things to do.

I appreciate that you are still here and enjoy reading the articles and stuff. I have enjoyed your articles for a long time. 

No One Lives Forever. (There is or was a writer on Kotaku that would very much like to see some movement on that franchise. Just leaving this here.)

Any guidance on which pods to use/to avoid? I have lots of the cascade pods which are powered plus colored slime in a plastic-ish wrap. The ones in the picture look like another brand. I assume we are going for unwrapped, single color powdered block tablets here?

That is an amazing follow up comment.


What the actual fuck America?

Shopping for Chromebooks at the moment is tricky. You have to keep an eye on the date the chromebook was first sold. Starting in 2020, any chromebook released that year or newer I think now has an 8-year update cycle instead of the older 5 year update cycle, meaning you can use the device for longer and enjoy

Shopping for Chromebooks at the moment is tricky. You have to keep an eye on the date the chromebook was first sold.

A dangerous, unhinged jackass? Sounds presidential to me. </s>

Shoulda bought the Veyron from Carmax and paid for that extra warranty repair thing.

I’m liberal and I’m not proud of the police conduct that gets reported so often in the news these days.

Since childhood the Olympics have been something that I forget about until they are there again. I know they are there because they interrupt the TV shows I usually watch.

Dr. Lizardo, this may be the best comment. Take your star.

Chip and Joanna Gaines look like they really let themselves go there. </s>

This makes me sad. They had an Initial D arcade machine that had a cockpit you sat in that would sling you around while you drove. I spent (non consecutive) hours in that thing when I had to travel to Seattle for work.

That was a terrible decision, the unobtainium name. It was so jarring it took me “out” of the film that I was sort of engrossed in until the first time they said it. It was like finding a rock in my shoe.

Maybe it’s because I was a college-aged kid at the time, but I could never hear the film and not think that it’s got to have a porn spoof somewhere called “Handcock”.

They could up their top earning PoC numbers if they’d just unban Indiefoxx.