The problem is when they DO chose to do something with their IP, rather than sticking to what made the IPs classics in their respective genres, we get hot garbage like “Contra: Rogue Corps”.
The problem is when they DO chose to do something with their IP, rather than sticking to what made the IPs classics in their respective genres, we get hot garbage like “Contra: Rogue Corps”.
Chuck D has always, always, been concerned about the plight of people that get harsher prison sentences because of the color of their skin rather than the color of their offense.
Not trying to be ageist OR sexist. Pierce Brosnan is an Older-American and an Attractive-American (though I realize the latter is subjective depending on personal taste) Not really even trying to make fun of the person in the thumbnail. More making fun of how my noggin processed the thumbnail (which was sort of small)…
Man this guy can preach! Go ‘head! Here’s my radical change ideas for the Jam Bond series:
Every time he’s not on screen someone should be asking “Where the bloody hell is double-oh seven?”
Clicked on article thumbnail because I was like “Is that Pierce Brosnan with red glasses?” It was not. Case closed. Now where did I put my coffee...
I’d like to pay more for a ticket to not have to fly with morons. I’d also like to not feel like I’m being stuffed into a coffin when I sit in economy class. It’d be nice if the FAA could go back to regulating flights.
Maybe they could ask Konami for advice on how to handle beloved franchises that haven’t had an update in a while.
Hooray. It’s K-mart’s Mightiest Heroes!
Yi has no business telling another person “Do this to atone for the thing I’m upset at you for doing.”
I hope he lands in jail. His head and face have the garish look of a cartoon Nazi, as do the bulk of his political opinions.
Jurassic Park comment made me LOL. Take your star!
OMG Pleeeaase let the gubernatorial debates in Georgia be moderated by Michelle Wolf. I’ll bring popcorn.
One of those is about $30 on ebay. The Castle of Lions is around $400-500. For that money I want one of those Cyberpunk 2077 looking Cougar cases, and I’d have money left over for other parts.
It’s too bad they didn’t try to get the game engine that GTAV is using. It still could have looked good enough and they could have focused on the story(ies) they wanted to tell. AND there would have been a third person mode that a lot of people wanted.
I am not into The Witcher, but I heard Witcher 3 was a mess sorta like this. My buddy said “Gonna wait a year, they’ll patch it, package it with DLC, and I’ll get it then.” Ofc he got it launch day like I did, because we’re dufuses, however, I know CD Projekt Red are good for it?
I offer a special PS5 disposal service, so that Animal Crossing players aren’t clogging up landfills with junky old PS5s. Just drop your working PS5 plus accessories into a box, pack it nicely, and then DM me for my mailing address.
I offer a special PS5 disposal service, so that Animal Crossing players aren’t clogging up landfills with junky old…
SNL has a very special cut for time skit that seems like it would fit well in the comments section here:
If I had been drinking something when I read that first sentence I would have spit it out. Take your star!
How do I star this more than once?