
Soji and Loris died on the way back to their home planet, along with season 1 and season 2.

“Die, zombie, die!” is German for “The zombie, the.”

An example of producers taking WAY too much time to realize that something should be made to capitalize on the success of an older property. I agree with others here, that the Orville and Lower Decks already sort of fill that niche. If they don’t work hard to ensure they have good writers and a non-Alex Kurtzman type

The Bubsy Movie: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Agreed. If they’re going to do that it would be nice if they released both episodes at the same time.

I’m just glad we finally get more Bree Larsen. Despite the tirade she made on my people during the press tour for the last film, I really enjoy her as Captain Marvel and have been looking forward to this for a long time.

I see what you did there. Take your star.

The way the basketball players reacted shows a lack of self-control and maturity on their part. Regardless of mistakes the First Lady made, they chose to gripe very publicly about something that is a privilege (being invited to the White House when your team wins the big game) when someone merely suggested they were

Sony doesn’t tend to iterate, at least with it’s prior gaming hand-helds. It innovated with the PSP, allowing downloads and physical media, as well as multimedia.

I don’t know that I agree that posting an “internal” communication like that deserves firing. I’d tend to think if it was done on purpose the person would need whistleblower protection. Then again the place to blow that particular whistle is probably the governmental agency that enforces the law that was violated.

That Iron Man suit looks weird.

Example: I’m one of those folks that used to read lifehacker for the raspberry pi and arduino articles back in the gawker days. Now I read hackaday for that. Anyhow, I like building wearable computers. This is handy for that. Also, for a small keyboard to throw in a bag that also has a small monitor (sub 5 inch) small


I’m looking forward to seeing her in a movie. I hope they don’t push back the Marvels movie any more than they already have.

Yeah. Stop torrenting. Find video hosted on the web on websites that have a download button. Problem solved.

Or people that enjoy stories with bad dialogue. Things that sound like they are written by grade school students, like a murder mystery story with only two characters, or ending a story with “... and then I woke up!”.

The goggles... they do nothing!

I’m not a brain dead Trump, but if he saw your comment he’d probably respond, in all caps, PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT. *

That was my first reaction too... but I also worked at GameStop for a decade. For every well behaved kid in the store that seemed to have responsible parents that came in with them or came in to get them, there seemed to be at least two kids that had no parental supervision that behaved like little trolls with no

They make facebook science now?