
The only thing I can think of under that sort of pressure are grad students. Maybe implant the superconductors in those? You could probably get them to agree to the experiment by offering extra credit and/or pizza.

Could they just drop the David Zaslav and the Discovery part instead?

FWIW I got a lot out of your review of Wednesday, which I just read now. I’m going to try to watch some of the show and then listen to the podcast. Christina Ricci is my generation’s Wednesday, but I’ll give it a shot. I am almost more interested in productions and shows and how good ones are good and how meh ones go

If Republicans go against this I hope the get karmic retribution.

Personally, I would find my insurance company telling me what drug to take unacceptable, since they seem to make money hand over fist. Did you investigate the possibility of getting the drug from Canada, or is that illegal in the US? Also, illegal or not, did you find any ways that would be feasible to get the drug

Thank goodness 3DS and Wii U are extremely easy to pirate for.

Most of the ones around Mark probably are not worried about being executed for stepping out of line? Maybe? Unsure. Did anyone make sure Mark’s emotion chip wasn’t set to kill when they put it in his positronic matrix?

Thank you. Came here to ask this also.

Michael Burnham uses her justified Vulcan anger that she learned how to channel after years of studying on Vulcan with her full blood brother Spock to defeat an enemy ship that threatens the crew of the Discovery. Along the way lady with the red hair comes back, the one that used to be her roomate, and is transporting

Did they ever get the 3rd person option in there? or did a good 3rd person mod come out?

Good points! and good prospective I hadn’t had. I appreciate that. :D

As a kid I remember being pulled out of class in third grade and being taken to the library for a *special* reading class! It was because I was “really good at reading” - hooray! What was I going to do in this class? Well, you read more books, and then wrote extra reports on them. You had to read a book a week or

That was also a thing that was done until they stopped allowing returns of new games. In 1999, you had 7 days to return a new game and could get a refund. Someone sued the company for selling a “new” game that had been returned within the 7 day window, so then GameStop stopped allowing new games to be returned.

That is true, we did do that so we could tell customers what the games were like, especially with big releases. So I guess in that sense you are correct, I hadn’t thought about that part of it in a while (in my defense it has been 14 years since my last shift.)

My second shift at GameStop was 9/9/1999, Dreamcast launch day, and my last shift was sometime in 2009. They’ve always had metrics to sell x things to customers (magazine subscriptions, when I started it was ‘multiple sales transactions’ - did they get a game? see if they want the strategy guide for 15% off, a deal

Those are “gut” copies. I worked there for 10 years. They have to be able to put a case on the shelf so you can look at the game’s box, read the back, yada. BUT they can’t leave a $50-60 new game in the box lest someone steal the game in the box. Their solution is to keep the disk from the display box (the gut copy)

I had the same idea that apple appears to have patented back in 2008 when I got an iPod touch because I needed a new PDA and I found they didn’t make them anymore, people were either using smart phones or maybe they gave up on PDAs.

I paid $10 to check out Crimesight this weekend, long story, needed a distraction. I don’t like social games and the single player, bot only tutorials feel like they have enough replay value that if Konami’s dev team would have spent the 10-15 minutes to set the game so that the online component was dead but you could

Sorta feel like this show is doing well.... looks good.... might be expensive to produce... was green lit before the Disco merger.... CANCELED after season 2 is done in production, tax write-off. Won’t ever be released.

Damn it. Another show I like cancelled.