
If each flight displaced 50 immigrants, and there were 3 flights, 150 immigrants. $1.5 million dollars... assuming they could find housing at a rate of $1000/month, this could have housed these individuals for 10 months, and that’s assuming each individual was not part of a family.  

Huh. I disagree with the gif.

Ah, yes. Lovable ole Froggy. I forgot he was on the show. I loved him in the old “Our Gang” shorts.

Is it bad if I don’t feel sorry for this jerkbag?

So what they do now is put product links in their sentences, so when you see that, it’s your ad-blocker dutifully protecting you from the “G/O may get commission” links. 

I have vague memories as a 11-12 year old child in 1989 of playing Tetris on an in-store Game Boy demo station that had a monochrome LCD panel. I assume this was a custom made device that, in 1989, would likely have been quite an expensive demo unit for Big N to send out to stores. Now I’ll have to research it.

The director suggests viewing this in a double feature, shown after a viewing of 2010's “The Kids Are Alright”.

I bet the biggest change will be when it gets cancelled before the third season after ending on a cliffhanger.*

(For those that failed to get the joke: I took the thing the author said in the post, added extra letters the way AI generated art seems to do with teeth, lips/jaws, and fingers, and then pasted it. It’s mind boggling to me that people thought I was serious lol.)

Thaank youu.

AI art is actuallly great, people who create it using prompts are artists and automation is just a natural part of civililization and technolology.

I came ready to grump on this list, but I have to say I agree with the ones I have played and own, and that makes me think the ones I skipped or don’t know about are worth checking out. Good work!

I’m glad they are beating themselves to death to fix this now. It will make me feel a lot better in a few months/years when it finally breaks the $20 sale price I need a 14 hour game to get to so I can justify buying it.

Also, when does he become Old Joc or Washed-up Joc?

Straight to the point.

I’m talking about out.

lastpass has multiple security layers in place. I’m waiting to hear more from them before I pass judgement, since this is their “one job” as someone else in the comments alluded to.

Front Mission 1st did not come out in the US in 2003 for PlayStation. Front Mission 3 is the only Front Mission game that came out for the original PlayStation in our region. (I worked at Software Etc. and GameStop during that time frame, and I would own it if it did.)

<replied to wrong thread>

Hm... let me just pull out this envelope here... pen, yes... ok, 558,466 times $200 per infraction is... hm. $111.7 million.

That final number in the article, $154,400, looks to be a (tiny) bit in the Navy’s favor.